Chapter 4 (sleep over part 2)

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I lay in bed next to Asriel and he was cuddling up close to me and holding me in his arms. He was snoring so he was sleeping already. I look over at him, he looked like he was enjoying the cuddle and to be honest I was too. I mean he's soft and cuddly after all. I hope Toriel doesn't come up here though, I don't know how she would react to this. I looked up at the ceiling because to many thoughts in my mind to fall asleep. I turned towards Asriel and kissed his cheek and closed my eyes while nuzzling against his head. I soon then fell asleep....
A stream of sunlight beams in the bedroom and I wake up and I realize Asriel wasn't there. I scratched my head and got out of bed slowly. I got up and stretched and then I walked out of Asriel's bedroom and then went down stairs to see that no one was in the living room. I heard a shower in the other room but I think Toriel is still sleeping. I approached the couch and took a seat on it and looked over into the kitchen with no expression what so ever. I yawned again and then I laid down on the couch and fell asleep again.....
"Frisk," Asriel said poking my arm.
"Wake up!" Asriel said and tugged on my arm.
"Frisk!!!!" Asriel said again picking me up.
"H-huh..." I said and started to open my eyes.
"Finally you're awake," Asriel said giggling.
"And you're holding me," I said giggling a bit.
"Oh yeah oops," Asriel says putting me down.
"I was awake but I went downstairs and got tired again," I said scratching my head.
"That's cute," Asriel replied and winked.

I blushed and covered my face. Asriel uncovers my face and kisses me. He simply grins afterwards. I blushed more and then I hopped back onto the couch and Asriel joined me. Toriel walked out in a purple robe and looked over at us.
"Good morning," she told us.
"Have you seen my glasses?" She asked Asriel.
"I think they are in the kitchen.. Hold on I'll get them," Asriel replied getting up.

Asriel got up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed her glasses off the table and brought them back to her. She put them back on and thanked Asriel and walked into the kitchen getting some coffee.

"Hey Asriel, can I take a shower?" I asked
"Sure it's down the hall," Asriel responded.

I went down the hall and into the bathroom and took a towel from below the sink and put it on the towel rack. I took off my clothes and started the shower waiting for it to warm up. Once the water was warm I hopped in. I let the water penetrate my skin and then started to wash with soap. Then I let it gets rinsed off and then I put shampoo in my hair and then let it rinse out.  I then get out and dry off. Once dry I put my clothes on and walk out back into the living room.

"Welcome back," Asriel said smiling.
I smiled and sat on the couch.

"So when you going home today Frisk?" Toriel asked me.
"Um probably in a couple of hours," I replied.

I looked over at Asriel and he looked sad to hear that.

"Ok  do you want me to drive you home?" She asked me.
"No I can walk," I replied.
"Can I go over to Frisk's house mom?" Asriel asked.
"I don't know if that's ok with Frisk or not," She responded.
"Yeah that's fine," I responded and smiled

Asriel smiled and looked over at me.

I'll continue in the next chapter~

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