Chapter 14 (just thinking)

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I woke up and it was about 5 in the morning and I unwrapped Asriel from me and started filling up two mugs with water and then after they were filled I put them in the microwave for 2 minutes.... *beep* I opened the microwave took the water out and got 2 packets of hot cocoa. I tore open the packets and poured one into one mug and the other packet in the other. I then got a spoon and stirred both of them up and put them on the table. I bent down and poked Asriel a couple times.

"H-huh?...." Asriel said and rolled over on his side

I poked Asriel again and he turned around and said BOO!

I fell over and looked at him

"Aww was that a little to much?" Asriel asked

"No it's all good," I replied

I get back up and Asriel looks at the clock

"It's 4:50 in the morning!" Asriel said looking surprised

"Yeah and I made us some hot chocolate," I told him

"Aww that's sweet and actually sounds pretty good since it is cold," Asriel responds

"No problem and since this might be the last time we can do sleep overs for a while," I told Asriel

"N-no I couldn't stand not seeing you... I want to see you always and....

"Asriel it'll be ok just remember that I'll be with you here," I interrupted and pointed where his heart was

"Yeah but still! I should see if you could live with me and my mom," Asriel tells me

"I don't know," I respond

"Please!! I can't stand not having you with me," Asriel begs

"Well I guess we could try but....

"Yay!!" Asriel interrupts

I smile and then I start to drink my hot cocoa. Asriel takes a drink and then looks at me.

"Oh yeah thanks for the hot cocoa by the way," Asriel says

"No problem Hun," I reply

"If we do get to live together we will share my bedroom and you'll be able to bring your bed into the room but we'll actually share mine when we sleep," Asriel tells me

"I see that you have been thinking about this before," I tell him

"I... Um y-yeah I t-thought about it," Asriel admits and blushes

"I have actually thought about something similar so don't be embarrassed but you can keep up that cute blush," I responded

Asriel finished up his hot cocoa and he put it in the sink and I was not in the mood for hot cocoa anymore so I poured mine out and washed both of the mugs then sat back down.

"I would call my mom about it but then again it's 5:39 in the morning," Asriel says

"You really really want this to happen huh?" I asked Asriel

"Well yeah of course I'd want the cutest boy to stay with me," Asriel said

"I'm not the cutest...

"Shhhhhhhhhhh," Asriel said

"Yes you are," Asriel added

"I mean.....

"Yeah and you're the cutest goat monster ever!!" I replied

I chuckle and then I hugged Asriel. He hugged me tighter

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