Chapter 26

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"Your nuzzles feel so nice~" Asriel tells me while he murrs

"Haha, well you are soft and cuddly so it's my pleasure!" I reply and giggle softly

"Hey Frisk," Asriel says

"Yeah?" I say

"Wanna go somewhere again tomorrow?" Asriel asked

"Sure but I don't know where," I replied

"We could go rollerblading or rollerskating," Asriel replied

"That actually sounds like fun!" I say smiling

"I don't know how to rollerblade or skate though.." Asriel replied

"Awww, I'll help you learn if we do go," I say to him

"Great!" Asriel said smiling

"Oh and I think Sans works there too," I say

"Really?" Asriel asks

"Yeah but I think he works in the food section selling hotdogs and over doing it with the ketchup," I reply and chuckle

"Haha we should see him there then and get some hotdogs," Asriel recommend

"True dat," I replied

I get up and look out the window

"Wow it got dark pretty quickly," I say

"It did," Asriel replied joining me by the window

"Hey Frisk," Asriel asked

"Yes?" I responded

"I was wondering..." Asriel said

"wondering about what?" I replied

"Would you miss me if I died back in the underground?" Asriel asked

"What kind of question is that? Of course I would!" I replied

"I don't know why I thought of that but it's good to know you would miss me," Asriel responded smiling

I hug him tight

"Don't think those thoughts.." I told Asriel still hugging him

"Ok... I won't Frisk," Asriel responded

I yawn and stretch out my arms

"Well Asriel I think I'm going to to to bed so feel free to join me when you're ready," I tell Asriel as I take off my clothes but I still have my boxers on

I then get into bed and pulls over the covers and then I Lay my head on the pillow and relaxes

Asriel kept looking out the window

"Come and join me now sweetie," I tell Asriel

Asriel comes over and takes off his clothes  but keeps his boxers on as well

Asriel then got into bed and covered himself and then started to cuddle me

Asriel falls asleep

"He fell asleep so quickly, I hope he's ok," I thought in my head

I then also proceeded to fall asleep on his chest


Asriel shakes me

"Huh?" I say

"Come on get up cutie," Asriel said

I sit up and yawn scratch my head

Asriel picks me up and brings me downstairs

"Why do I have to be awake?" I say while yawning

"Because, look," Asriel replied

I looked out the back window and I saw that it was snowing

"I love snow!" I say while looking at how much snow is on the ground

"See I knew you'd like it," Asriel replied

"The prince wants to cuddle by the fireplace," Asriel said

Asriel started the fire in the fireplace and then after a bit, it was aflame and bright

Asriel lays on the ground on his side

I bring him close to me while he's On his side and I realized that my crotch was on his butt

I blushed but I knew he probably liked the feeling so I just pulled him closer

The snow started to go down faster

Asriel was murring while we were cuddling which was so cute!

The fire was warm and the house was cold so cuddling by the fire was a good idea

But then I heard some of the things In the kitchen to turn off

I get up and look over there

"Damn I guess the power is out," I say

"Are you serious," Asriel says walking over

"Well itleast we don't need power to have fun," Asriel said

I was giggling because my dirty mind was thinking of something pretty dirty even though it's not intended

"Yeah that's true," I reply

Asriel picks me up and brings me back upstairs and then sets my back down

Asriel then started to make out with me, which made me blush because I want expecting it, but hey itleast his tongue tastes nice

Asriel then stops making out

"Sorry I just had to," Asriel said

"Nah it's alright I think it's hot when you do that," I told him

"I thought you thought it was hot when I sat on your crotch," Asriel teased

I blushed a lot

"Well it is true, I did," I replied still blushing

"We should do that again," Asriel said

I blushed even more

I wanted to reply but I was to embarrassed to because yes I wanted that to happen again

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