Chapter 21 (Nsfw)

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Asriel bites his lip

"I kinda want to try something.." Asriel says

"Is it w-what I think it is?" I asked

"Probably," Asriel replied

I blushed tomato red

"I-I don't think we should yet," I responded

"Yeah you're probably right, but I want to pretty badly now," Asriel admitted and was embarrassed

"I-it's ok," I reply

I hug Asriel

Asriel hugs back

"And either way your mom would probably hear us," I told him

"True," Asriel replied

I laid back down on the bed and I covered myself up

Asriel laid next to me and then got into his boxers

"Get in your boxers," Asriel told me

"Ok fine," I respond

I strip until I'm only in boxers

Asriel sucks on my neck and I blush a lot

"O-ohh that actually feels nice," I say

Asriel stops and starts pulling down my boxers

"ASRIEL!" I tell him

Asriel stops and looks at me blushing

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't help myself," Asriel said

I blush more and I cover my face

I take my boxers off and I threw them across the room

Asriel watched and started to nosebleed

I looked at him and blushed

"You like?" I asked

"Get up so I can see," Asriel tells me

I get up and I cover my crotch

"Uncover," Asriel told me

I uncover my crotch

"Not bad Frisk, not bad," Asriel said

"Very sexy," Asriel added and smirked

I covered myself back up in the blanket

Asriel puts the blanket over both of us

Asriel looks at my member

"I see you staring at my member," I told Asriel

"Wait what! Hahaha no I wasn't!" Asriel says nervously

"it's obvious that you were," I teased him

"You just have a nice looking member ok!" Asriel responded and covered his face embarrassed

"Awww it's ok cutie," I told Asriel and hugged him

Asriel hugged back

"Ok it's my turn," Asriel announced

Asriel took off his boxers and threw it towards my boxers

Asriel stands up

"Whatcha think?" Asriel asked

I blushed and looked at his member

"Pretty hot," I replied

"Nice member," I said and giggled

"Why thank you~" Asriel responded

"H-haha no p-problem,"

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