Chapter 18

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Asriel gets his phone out and calls his mom

"Hey mom we are ready to move Frisk's stuff over," Asriel tells Toriel

"Ok I'll be over there in a bit," She responds

"K love you, bye," Asriel hangs up

"Ok Frisk let's gather it all up and put it outside," Asriel told me

"K" I responded

I started to hold the bed frame and Asriel I picked up the other side and we pull it outside and sets it outside in the grass.

We both walk back in and start picking up the mattress and then we bring it out and set it on the ground.

I pick up a box and bring it outside and I put it on the mattress and Asriel comes out with another box and sets it down.

"So now I think all we need is the table right?" Asriel asked

"Yeah that's it," I respond

We walk back inside and gets the table and then we walk back out and set it on the ground.

"Ok we're good now," I respond

"Yes sweetie and thanks for helping," I tell him

"Aww does the prince get a reward?" Asriel asks

"What type of reward," I asked

"Just a couple kisses," Asriel demands

I walk over and I kiss his muzzle 8 times

"Is that good," I asked him

"Can I have more kisses?" Asriel asked

"Aww you do?" I asked

"The prince demands it sweetie," Asriel says

I kiss his muzzle 4 more times and then I hug him tight

"Did I satisfy the prince?" I asked

"Yes he is," Asriel said and winks

Toriel gets here and we both quickly end the hug awkwardly

"Ok are you two ready to put the stuff in the back of the car," Toriel said

"Yeah," I respond

I go to the car and open it, then I pick up the bed frame and stuff it in the trunk. Asriel picks up a box and puts it in the back.

"It's hot outside," Asriel said and then took off his shirt

He then goes back and picks up another box and puts it in the back of the car.

I go back to Asriel and we both pick up the mattress and shoves it into the back of the car.

"We'll come back for the table after we get the other stuff over to our house," Toriel told me

"Ok," I told her

I walk over to the front of the car and I sit in shotgun and Asriel sits in the back

Toriel drives us over to the house and we unload the bed frame, mattress and the two boxes.

We then all get back in the car and ride back to my house and we get the table and puts it in the back, then we drive back and unload the table.

I get one of the boxes and I bring it up to Asriel and I's room and set it on the couch. Asriel comes up and sets the other box next to it.

We both walk back down and we get the bed frame and start going up the stairs, which was a pain in the ass... Once we got to the top and into the bedroom We set it down.

Both of us then got the mattress up stairs and in the bedroom onto the bedframe and then both of us go back down again.

We picked up the table and we connected the table with the other table that was already here.

"Welcome to your new home!" Toriel said and hugged me

"Thank you!" I respond and hug back

I then go back upstairs and I lay on my bed and Asriel joins me and snuggles up against me.

"Best day ever," I whispered to myself

"Mine too sweetie," Asriel responded

Back on the surface  Frisk x AsrielWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt