Chapter 17 part 2

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After a while we made it back to my place where we both start planning how to take my bed out of my room.

"Hmmm so how should we get this out of my room?" I ask Asriel

"Hmm well we should probably get the mattress first and then the frame," Asriel suggest

"Good idea lets do this," I respond

We both get on both sides of the mattress and pick it up and then we get it out the door then we lay it back down and then we go back in the room to pick up the bed frame. We both pick up the bed frame and we move it over next to the mattress.

"Anything else that needs to be moved?" Asriel asked

"I also need to get my table over and some of my boxes of stuff," I told Asriel

"What type of stuff?" Asriel asked me

"Oh just stuff from the past," I responded

"Oh neat can I see it?" Asriel asked

"Yeah but it might be hard for me to look back at some of it... It kinda makes me sad to look at some of the stuff contained within some of the boxes," I told Asriel

"Ok but I'm here for you and I'll comfort you sweetie," Asriel replied

I go in my room and pulls out a box and opens it and pulls out a picture frame of my mother and father.

"They died when I was young..." I told Asriel

Asriel hugged me

"I'm so sorry Frisk..." Asriel replied

"It's ok.. I have you and that's also the reason why I saved you a long time ago.. I didn't want you to die without knowing someone loved you and that person is me," I teared up a bit as I responded

"That's so sweet.." Asriel tears up

I put the picture back and pulled out my blue sweater with pink stripes

"It's your sweater," Asriel said

"The one you were wearing when I met you," Asriel added on to what he said

"Yeah the one I comforted you with," I replied and wiped my tears away

"Yes and that worked very well," Asriel replied

I put the sweater back and closed the box.

"I think I am done looking through the boxes for now," I told Asriel

I'll continue in chapter 18

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