Chapter 12 (movies)

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We make it over to the theater and look at the movies that were playing. Apparently mettaton was in one of the romantic movies.

"Hey can we see the one with mettaton in it?" I asked

"Oh yeah of course I'm sure it'll be great," Asriel replied.

We approached up at the front of the line and up to the front area to get tickets.

"Hi we'd like to see the movie with mettaton in it," I told the guy at the desk.

"Ok here you go," he said and handed us the tickets

I handed over the money needed to pay for them and then went inside with Asriel.

"Ok so we are in room 6," I say to Asriel

Then I grab his hand and go to room 6 and I find a seat at the very top and Asriel sits right next to me.

"Ok I think we are good now," I say to Asriel

"Yeah and I can't wait to see the movie with you! Since this is our first movie!" Asriel replies and kisses me

"Aww I know and I'm excited to because well I love you of course," I respond

We both blush and chuckle and then the room gets dark and the movie starts to play.

It was a beautiful day outside and two lovers were out having a blast and oh look here they are

Mettaton and napstablook walk around in the park flirting

Mettaton: who's so sexy

Napstablook: you are

Mettaton: actually you're wrong

Napstablook: I am

Mettaton: you are darling

Napstablook: Oh that's really sweet Mettaton

Napstablook blushes and Mettaton hugs him tight and starts to dance around in the grass with him.
Now this is the part where you say "awwwwwwwww"

Everyone in the theater says "awwwwwwwww"

Mettaton and Napstablook go to a fancy place and shares a plate of pasta and they do the thing with the one noodle till they kiss

"We should do that," Asriel whispers to me and winks
I blush and continue watching
........... (About an hour later)
In the end they walk into the sunset and the credits start

"That was a pretty cute movie if you ask me," Asriel told me

"I agree and yeah we should do that thing with the spaghetti some time," I replied

Asriel's phone goes off

"Hold on," Asriel says and gets his phone out

"Hi are you doing alright with Frisk?" Toriel asked
"Yeah and I was wondering can I stay over at Frisk's house again or if I can't can he come over to ours," Asriel asked
"You guys have been hanging out a lot lately hehe but sure you can stay over at Frisk's place," Toriel responds
"thank you mom!" Asriel says
"Love you honey," Toriel replies
"Love you too mom, ok bye," Asriel says and hangs up

"Alright I can have another sleepover at your house," Asriel tells me

"Yay we can snuggle and cuddle and nuzzle," I respond blushing

"Awwww you cutie of course," Asriel responds

I giggle

"And also," I say
"Also what?" Asriel says

I touched Asriel's butt really quickly and then started to run giggling

Asriel blushes and chases after me

"Hey!" Asriel shouts

Asriel catches up to me and picks me up

"You're really silly Frisk but I like that," Asriel says  and then grabs my butt really quickly and then starts to run

I start running after him and I eventually catch up to him and I pick him up

"Aww you should carry me to your house," Asriel says

"Hehe ok," I reply

I kept holding him and walking and he wrapped his arms around me while I held him

"This probably looks really cute because I'm taller then you and you're holding me no problem and then again people are probably like ew two guys ehhhh but whatever that doesn't matter to us," Asriel says and giggles

"True that," I reply and chuckle as well

We finally make it to my house

"Ok you can set the prince down now," Asriel says

I set down Asriel and he kisses me deeply

"Thank you for carrying me," he says then chuckles

I'll continue in the next chapter

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