Chapter 8 (cutie)

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Asriel started kissing me again. I like kisses from the prince... Well more like my prince!

Asriel ends the kiss.

"Hehe did you like my kisses?" Asriel asked

"Yeah! They were all very well done to," I said and winked at him.

"Want me to give you a deeper kiss? If you know what I mean," Asriel asked and winked.

"Oh someone is being sexy tonight," I said and chuckled.

"Hey, but I know you like it a lot," Asriel fired back.

"You're right I do," I responded and winked.

Asriel pulls me close to him and kisses me as deep as he could and he stuck a little tongue in. My eyes widened and I stared at him. He was blushing and closing his eyes. Well I can admit I did like it though. He pulls his tongue out and ends the kiss.

"I'm so sorry if you didn't like that, I'll leave if that will make you feel better," Asriel said.

"No! Don't! I was just surprised, I did like it and you are a very good kisser," I responded.

Asriel looked me straight in the eyes.

"Don't lie to me," he said while tears were forming.

"Asriel.... I'm not telling you a lie... I was surprised and I love you just as much as before and actually we should do that more often," I responded and wiped his tears away.

"Oh Frisk... I'm glad I found you," Asriel said and then sighed of relief.

It started to rain and then not to much longer it was pouring.

"Brrrr," I said while shivering.

"Awwww you're cold," Asriel said.

"Y-yeah, it got really chilly all the sudden," I responded.

Asriel picked me up and held me tight against his fur.

"Is that better?" He asked

"Much better," I responded

"Hey Asriel?" I asked

"Hm?" He responded

"Don't you just love it when it rains," I asked him

"Yeah it brings my mood up for some weird reason," Asriel said

"Yeah It's weird but it reminds me of you," I responded.

"How so?" Asriel asked

"It puts me in a good mood and I just love it, just like you and it always makes me smile just like you," I responded and booped his nose.

"Awwww Frisk that's so sweet thank you," Asriel responded.

"No problem cutie," I said and chuckled

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