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Rey fell to the ground hard, her head hitting first and her body squishing down on top of it. When she sat up she already had a headache. Luke looked on from the side, looking disappointed and tired.

She had been at this all day. Not once had she managed to lift even a single rock. Her mind was too crowded. All she could think about was Finn, unconscious and lying dormant in the Resistance base infirmary. She had only been able to give him a forehead kiss goodbye and she had heard nothing of him stirring. Probably because Luke had stopped letting her communicate with them.

"We're done for today." the old man's tone was cold. Rey almost thought it was angry.

"No. I can do it." she tried to clear her mind.

"No. You can't. You haven't done it for WEEKS! The only thing you have improved on is fighting with the saber and learning general history about the force but a Jedi has to be able to USE it or else what is the point of having the ability?!" his face was red and he spat but it didn't reach where Rey stood. She had never seen him that angry before. Flustered, at the most, was all she knew.

"Luke I-"

"No. Go back to the Resistance base. See your precious boy." Luke wandered away, Rey never knew where he disappeared to. She stood alone now, the green trees surrounding the clearing they always practiced in. The young girl still couldn't believe how green some places were, how stark the contrast between there and where she had grown up.

Her mind didn't wander from Finn for long. She quickly grabbed her lightsaber and staff, she still kept it with her, and hurried through the forest to where the Millenium Falcon sat. Rey quickly ran up into the ship and to the helm. She had to see Finn.

The base was busy, pilots running about, Leia hurried past and Rey tried to greet her but the older woman was in too big a hurry. Something big was happening apparently. It was difficult walking against the flow of people but soon the girl found herself walking down an empty corridor to the infirmary. The doors swished open and she hurried inside, looking left and right to find the senseless, adorable runaway that made it impossible for her to concentrate on her training. Her heart sank low. Where was he?

"Looking for me?" his low, playful voice rang out behind her. Rey's heart lept from its momentary despair and she spun around to see Finn standing tall in the doorway, a shit-eating grin on his dark face.

"FINN!!!" Rey practically jumped forward and threw her arms around him, forgetting he might not be completely better yet. He seemed to be, because his arms wrapped so tightly around her waist that she thought they would somehow meld into one. She buried her face in his shoulder and sighed.

"How are you, Rey?" the young man chuckled and reluctantly let go of her.

"How am I? More like how are you? When did you wake up?" excitement flashed behind her eyes as she scanned his face. God she'd missed him.

"A week or so ago... I thought they would have told you... I asked them to... I got a bit worried when you never came... didn't you hear from them?" a flash of sadness washed over Finn's face. Rey shook her head.

"Luke cut off communications so I would focus but it honestly only made it worse. God I missed you." She wrapped her arms around him again, this time around his waist and she hid her face in his chest. Finn embraced her, his arms around her shoulders and with a heavy sigh he pressed his lips to the top of her head. The girl froze inside. Did he know about the forehead kiss? She felt her body warm up from embarrassment. Surely he didn't. Suddenly though she wanted to press her lips to his. Just find out what it was like. Just to see if he wanted her that badly too. Just to see what it was like to kiss somebody in general.

Rey pulled back and looked up into Finn's dark eyes, biting her bottom lip for a second. She must have made some sort of face because he started to giggle. She blushed and scowled.

"What?" she insisted.

"Nothing. You just made a funny face." he smiled and started to let go of her. Rey would have none of that. She pulled her arms in and then reached up to grasp either side of his jacket, grabbing the lapels and pulling him in for a kiss. Her soft lips pressed against his, warm and inviting. She felt entirely different. Finn, on the receiving end, stood stunned into a frozen position. Rey pulled back, opening her eyes and releasing her tight grip on the jacket. She focused on Finn's wide eyes. Had she done something wrong?

"I-I'm sorry!" she felt like she was dark red. A smile spread across Finn's face and he gently pulled her in and kissed her. Now it was her turn to be surprised. Less surprised than he had been that's for sure. She gladly relaxed into it and when they finally pulled back they laughed.

This was only the first two of many, many, more kisses to come.

Rey x Finn: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now