We'll Do it Together

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Finn's arms were wrapped tightly around her waist as they slept, thin covers pulled up to their hips in the warm weather. Across the room there was a small crib that held the little baby that was only born a month ago.

Rey stirred, hearing the baby whimper quietly. Her eyes opened to the dimly lit room, moon light streaming through the open window. Something was off and she could tell, every instinct both Jedi and maternal kicking in as she sat up, resting her weight on her palms and letting Finn's arm slide off of her with the dead weight of sleep. Dad duties were already setting in for him.

The young mother peered through the dark before sliding out of bed and making her way to the crib and peering down. Little Lando cried again, the whimper sounding slightly more desperate. Rey reached down and picked up her son, understanding of his insomnia because of the connection they shared through the Force.

Luke found it troublesome, how strong the tiny infant was when only one parent was Force sensitive. However he still hadn't quite pinned down what it was about Finn that made him different.

"Ssshhhh, its okay darling. Mamas here. What's the matter, bad dream?" She cooed lovingly and ran her hand over the tight but angelically soft curls that sparsely covered his head. Lando rested his tiny head against her breast, a tiny hand reaching up for her as he let out a small sound of acknowledgment. Rey sat down on the chair by the desk and let him grab her finger.

Finn, wakened by his wife leaving his side, stayed quiet. He watched as she gently held his little son, whispering to him and calming him. She was so beautiful, bright. Almost like she glowed with a joy that could only come from being a mother. Finn felt his heart slow down, knowing that this was home, the war over and that he could have his little family without the First Order looming over them.

Finn remembered a time when the sight of Rey made his heart nearly jump from his chest, beating so hard he thought he would go into cardiac arrest. Every touch, every smile made him fill with excitement. But then it had changed. Her presence made everything go in slow motion, a peck on the cheek, her hand in his, it all made it a bit slower. It scared him at first, sending him running towards Poe with a frantic and worried look in his eyes. The talented pilot had chuckled and said: "You're in love." And that he was.

Now though Rey looked up from the baby, who now slept peacefully, and he quickly closed his eyes to fake sleep.

"I know you're awake." She said, the sleepy smile on her lips coming across with her gently whisper. Finn smiled and opened his eyes.

"How long did you know?" He sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"The whole time." She said with a very soft giggle, watching Finn stand up sleepily and walk over to her, bare feet padding quietly on the hard floor. He knelt next to her and kissed the top of Lando's little head before smiling up at her and kissing her lips lovingly.

"Go back to bed... I'll tuck him back in." Finn offered quietly but Rey shook her head.

"We'll do it together."

Rey x Finn: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now