Twenty-Three Going on Three

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"I'm not coming out!" Finn huffed, crossing his arms and trying to be heard through the thick walls of fabric and cushion. Rey stood with her own arms crossed, staring into a gap in the pillows that were precariously piled against the corner of the room. Finn was looking back at her defiantly.

"Come on, Finn. You can't stay in there forever. You're acting like a child." she leaned in and raised an eyebrow.

"You already knocked down one of my castles I swear if you knock it down again I'll have to fight you." she tried to hold back a smile. As if he would ever lay a hand on her that was anything more than playful and gentle.

"Are you three or twenty-three?" she bit her lip, trying not to giggle. He was just too cute. He didn't answer her and so she continued on. "If you don't answer me I'll just have to come in there myself. Is that what you want?" Finn had disappeared deeper into his pillow and blanket barracks now and she sighed.

She got down on her hands and knees and crawled under the awkwardly stacked pieces of the fort, feeling as the air shifted from the crisp feel of the room to the stifled warmth of thick cushions. Where did he find all these? She wondered to herself as she crawled through the small arch that opened out right onto the bottom bunk where he slept. A blanket was hung like a curtain from the top bunk so that very little light got in. Finn was sitting cross-legged at the head of the bed.

"Whyyyyyy???" he whined and grumbled. Rey was in absolute shock at just how childish he could get over such a simple little thing like a fort. I guess he had never really had the chance to imagine himself in other worlds. With all the training and what not from a very young age. It was all battle. She smiled.

"Because I wanted to talk to you. I'm sorry I ruined your other forts. This one is so much better though, it's got the bed and everything." she crawled in further and sat down next to him, poking his cheek and giggling. He frowned and knit his brow but then sighed.


"Why do you like building these so much?" she questioned, resting her head on his shoulder casually. Rey could tell he was smiling.

"Because I like privacy. There isn't a lot of it around here if you hadn't noticed." he looked down and fiddled with the bottom of his pants leg that was starting to fray a little bit. She took his hand in hers and laced her fingers through his. It was bad enough that it was already messed up. If he picked it would get worse. Besides, she really liked holding hands. Only with him though.

"Well... I kind of have more privacy than a lot of people. With my own room and all." she shifted and looked at him, her cheek still on his shoulder.

"Yeah. That's what makes it super unfair... my best friend has a room all to herself. I'm not even allowed to stay in there..." he mumbled the last bit. Rey giggled and leaned over so she was right under his face.

"Best friend, huh?" Finn blushed and looked away but with where she was there was no hiding it.

"Well.. yeah... you are my best friend..." he seemed to get smaller with the shyness that washed over him and Rey could tell that he was getting a little nervous. More nervous than usual. She kissed him on the cheek softly and teased him.

"Oh. Well. I thought you like... liked me liked me. I guess I'm just a friend though." she bit her lip and watched as he fell into a nervous shambles.

"No nonononono I don't mean that I DON'T like you like that I mean.. I mean like.. crap. Reeeyyyy.... I DOOOO like you like that like... a lot.. but.. you're still my best friend. Even better than Poe.. because he's always.. 'busy'...." he was flustered and twitching his other hand, wanting to mess with the hem again. Rey giggled and grabbed his other hand, pulling them both over onto her lap and looking up into his eyes.

"Finn. I was teasing. I know. And guess what?" she smirked.


"You're my best not-completely-platonic-friend too." she let go of his hands, booped his nose and then spun around onto her hands and knees and hurried into the depths of the fort. "Catch me if you can, lover boy!"  

Rey x Finn: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now