Two Left Feet: Pt. 3

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Curfew had been called and Finn was lying under the covers on his bunk wide awake. When Poe had told him to kiss Rey it made him frustrated because when Rey said BB-8 had told her to kiss him, he realized that was all he really wanted to do. He didn't though, from shyness, being interrupted, and not knowing whether or not she would have wanted it. He turned over and slammed his face into the pillow, sighing deeply and feeling his breath warm up the fabric of the pillow case. Why did it have to be so complicated?

He was awake for a long time before he decided to get up out of bed and take a walk through the empty hallways. It was cold in the base at night and he wondered why he hadn't slipped on his jacket before leaving the warmth of the sleeping quarters. His feet tapped against the floors quietly and he peered through the dimly lit corridors before he stopped at the familiar sound of Rey's voice whispering somewhere in the distance. He heard very very quiet beeps and whirs too, knowing BB-8 literally anywhere. He walked in the direction of the near silent conversation and stopped when he saw their silhouettes. He stood behind the thick half wall that sat at every arched hallway intersection.

"You keep embarrassing me. You know I get all flustered around him and with you teasing me I can't even hide it." Rey whispered quietly to the droid and sighed.

"But if I don't then you will never tell him how you feel." the droid's beeps and whirrs suddenly made so much sense to Finn that it hit him like a brick.

"Yes I will. But in my own.. better time... I don't even know if he likes me back."

"I think you forget how he looked at you on Jakku. And every second on the Falcon. Every day at training. Every meal. Are you blind?" It took Finn a second to get it through his thick head that they were talking about him and as soon as he did he nearly collapsed to the floor in shock, even in his squatting position it would have made a racket. Sadly his shift in balance made him grip at the wall and shift his foot to the right slightly which made a scraping sound on the metal. Rey looked up and into the dark, standing and being immediately alert.

"Who's there?" she said in a loud whisper, afraid if she yelled she too would get caught. They were all supposed to be in bed. Even if she was a Jedi. BB-8 bravely rolled forward, his little light shining and cutting through the dark. Finn held his breath and closed his eyes tight. No matter what they would find him. He shouldn't have sat and listened in. It was a private conversation. Damn his curiosity.

He couldn't hold his breath in any longer and failed to keep the heavy sigh quiet. Quicker than the breath had escaped he was pushed to the floor and hit hard.

"REY!!! Ow, Rey stop!" he threw his arms over his head and closed his eyes. The attack stopped and suddenly the fists turned into hard slaps.

"You stupid idiot! Finn, what the hell are you doing?" she whispered loudly and blushed, finding that she was practically sitting on top of him. When had she done that exactly? Maybe it was part of the attack...

"I couldn't sleep and so I started to take a walk around but then I heard your voice and-"

"Were you listening to my conversation?" she spat angrily but at the same time she would have listened into a whispered conversation in the middle of the night too. Curiosity is a bitch.

"No- I... yes..." he looked up at her, wincing in fear of another hard slap on the chest. She could really beat the crap out of him if she wanted too. He didn't think she would go that far though.

"How much did you hear...?" she could feel her cheeks heating up even more than before but was relieved he couldn't see it in the dark. BB-8 had rolled away for some reason, leaving them alone and it made both of them anxious.

"Uhm... a little bit.. I've only been here for a minute..."

"What about?" she crossed her arms and settled into her spot on his stomach. She gave up on moving. Too much noise at this point.

"Uhm.. Something about being flustered.. and uh... BB-8 teasing you?..." he chewed the inside of his lip and sat up slightly, his hands out behind him for support and Rey squeaked in surprise as she slid down onto his lap. Both of them stared at each other in embarrassment. For some reason it just registered to him that she was on top of him. He was far too slow around her. It was embarrassing. They were quiet for a long time before Finn found himself facing every single fear he had ever experienced when it came to his feelings for Rey. He leaned in, pecking her softly on the lips, then pulled back and whispered shakily.

"He was teasing you about wanting to do that..." 

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