My Pleasure

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"Babe, come to the library with me?" Rey wrapped her arms around Finn's waist. He smiled to himself and looked at her. He was still getting used to being called that and she was still getting used to saying it.

The base had a small library, not much selection, but they did have a good number of books that would be easy to read for a beginner. Rey was a beginner. Finn had started teaching her with little stories he would write out for her, making them up as he went along. Then they would read them every night before crawling into bed. She loved them and soon she found herself always being drawn to the library. It was rare for books to be bound anymore but that's what she loved the most.

"How many times do you go all the way over there a week?" Poe called out from across the room, his feet propped up on the desk. Finn and Rey hated it when he did it with his boots on.

"As many times as Rey wants!" Finn responded and took her hand in his and hurried out of the room before Poe could tease them more. On the way out, BB-8 rolled in, nearly tripping the couple from sheer surprise and speed.

"Wonder what that one is so excited about!" Rey giggled and together they hurried to the library.


Rey and Finn sat in the very back corner of the library behind the tall shelves and under a small lamp. She sat next to him, a large book in hand with her face buried in it. She read intently but out loud, trying to sound it out as she went along, Finn helping her when she tripped up. She was a very quick learner. Rey went a few lines with completely fluent speech, not needing help, just plain reading. Finn stared at her lovingly, she was just so amazing to him and seeing her eyes light up with the realization that she just read like that... it made his heart leap. She looked up from the book, grinning bigger than ever.

"Finn I did it!!!" she giggled and threw her arms around him, her quick and sloppy jump towards him knocked him onto his back and she kissed him deeply. Both of them were smiling into it until she broke it and looked into his eyes excitedly.

"Indeed you did. I knew you would learn fast." he laughed and kissed her temple as he sat up, keeping her in his lap. Rey blushed and rested her head on his shoulder. Finn smiled and tucked a stray bit of hair behind her ear. She always wore it back but somehow it still managed to be everywhere.

"Thank you for teaching me." She whispered and closed her eyes. He picked up her hand and held it in his, examining her fingers before lacing his between hers.

"It was my pleasure..." he sighed and looked down at her, smiling lovingly "... I love you."

Rey x Finn: One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant