A Very Warm Difference

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As he opened his eyes Finn was met with the gentle light of a late, Naboo morning. Something felt different, different but right, and it didn't take too long for him to remember: it was their honeymoon. Rey nestled into him, her back against his bare, strong chest and it was warm; oh so warm that he felt it through his whole body inside and out. Her hair was down and brushed and soft and it seemed to shine so beautifully in the light. Everything was muted with tones of oranges and golds and it made her seem to glow. With a warm sigh he pressed his lips to her lightly freckled shoulder and whispered.

"Are you awake, darling?" he rarely ever used the term but something about that moment called for it. Something about how she was his now; only his forever and always. Rey hummed quietly and a gentle smile spread across her lips. She pulled the sheets tighter over her soft chest and felt the odd wedge between her fingers that the small, simple ring made.

"You never call me darling..." she sighed and blushed lightly, starting to turn around but Finn wrapped his arm around her and kept her just the way she was.

"Well now you're my wife.. I thought it was more appropriate... more mature?" he chuckled softly and they could both feel the vibrations of his deep, sleep-roughened, voice moving through their bodies. Rey took a deep breath in and let the bliss of the moment gently roll over her. There was nothing like this. Everything about where they were, who they were, where they had come from flooded through her mind and for the first time she looked back on her entire life and it made her smile. Because everything had lead up to that moment.

"I'm your wife..." she breathed happily and rolled her shoulder gently. Finn smiled and lifted his head, leaning over her and kissing her cheek, feeling that it was pulled taught in a wide smile. Rey turned her head and looked up into his eyes. Usually they seemed to be so infinitely dark, you couldn't even tell where the pupil stopped and the iris began, but now with the light streaming in she could see the rare sight of the golden brown they really were. It sent a small shiver up her spine, undetected by him but the most present feeling before their lips met softly. It lasted a long time, neither of them wanting surrender the warmth that the other's presence there provided, but they remembered they had all day for that. They had a whole lifetime for that; fate allowing that is.

"I love you..." Finn barely needed to raise his voice above the quietest whisper for Rey to know exactly what he was saying. He always did that, small whispers that only she would or could hear; she could almost swear he only spoke to her in his mind sometimes. She twisted slightly, looking up at him and lifting her hand to hold his face, her thumb and palm feeling the light stubble that had appeared during the night.

"I love you too, Finn." they kissed once more, soft chills rushing through both of their bodies and then the rest, of course, is history... 

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