The Edge

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"Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that you know what you're doing?" Finn questioned Rey as he handed her his blaster. Rey glared at him but glanced down at his shoulder, red blood stained his shirt and he was trying to hide a grimace of pain. She would have just used her lightsaber but, of course, she had managed to lose it. It's in my blood she groaned inwardly and popped up from behind their small, jagged shelter to shoot down the nearest storm trooper and then ducked back down.

"You think I'm sure enough now? We need to get further away from this. I can tell Kylo is getting closer and without my saber it's a really bad idea." her green eyes studied his face, her own mind racing. She tried to figure out the best way to maneuver through the blaster-fire and chaos. Finn was still trying to catch his breath as he looked across the field spreading out in front of them, their side, the side where all of their friends and fellow Resistance fighters lay injured or worse and he gulped. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. He could do this. He was a storm trooper. He was raised on this.

"You just keep fighting as many of them off as possible. I'll try and figure something out."

Rey gave him a fierce look and hardened herself. Do or do not. There is no try. She thought to herself, remembering what Luke had said his Master told him. "That's a good one." Finn muttered and Rey looked at him in surprise.

"How did you-" she was cut off by a loud blast on the other side of their hiding spot. She stood up and took a shot into the battle haze and felt her heart soar as she saw Poe's fighter swoop down into the mayhem. The hope was quickly shot down -literally- as he went crashing to the ground just as fast as he had appeared and it left Rey wondering how the hell they would win this. But he's the best...

"Rey, follow me." Finn's hand on his uninjured arm grasped hers and pulled her out of thought and onto her feet. They sped through the field until they hit the tree line and didn't stop running until they found Poe, beaten up and bruised but standing a few metres from his fighter and cursing. BB-8 dropped down and rolled towards them. The four of them exchanged glances and with the sound of a tree falling, splintering as it hit the ground, they all made a mad dash. They were coming into the forest and nothing was going to stop them.

"Where exactly are we going? WE'RE ON AN ISLAND!!" Poe grumbled and Finn shrugged, wincing as he remembered his shoulder with the movement, and it seemed that everybody was a bit perturbed with his lack of planning. Their legs moved faster than any of them knew they could, adrenalin pumping through their bodies. BB-8 swore in binary behind them because of how annoying forest terrain was. Poe managed a laugh but Finn and Rey were too focused on what was ahead of them, their hands still clasped tight together as if they would surely be lost if they did let go. Their worlds spun and their lives flashed before them as they nearly tumbled over a steep cliff. All of them stopped and stumbled backwards. The trees had stopped almost as abruptly as they had, save the roots that clung to the edges of the rock. Below them dark waves crashed against the rock in a storm-induced rage. Behind them more and more trees fell, the cracks and splintering sending chills through their bodies. Glances of fear and dread were exchanged between them and Poe decided they had to jump. It wasn't SO far it would kill them but it would be cold. Cold enough to do some damage if they didn't get out quickly enough. BB-8 beeped angrily because he obviously couldn't follow them. They didn't have much to say but good luck as Poe took the plunge first, going feet first into the icy water and disappearing below the waves.

"Rey. Before we jump. I need to tell you something." his voice shook and tears stung his eyes. He looked over at her and she already had tears streaming down her cheeks. BB-8 beeped behind them, already knowing what he was going to say.

"I have something to tell you too. Because this might be my last chance to say it." a tree fell only a short way behind them and they stepped closer to the edge.

"Rey I love you." Finn felt himself relax, knowing she knew now. Rey's heart skipped a beat and she felt her heart beat a little faster.

"And I love you." she barely whispered and behind them BB-8 chirped and beeped.

"THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU TWO THE WHOLE TIME AND YOU DECIDE TO TELL EACH OTHER NOWWWWW??????!!!! DAMN HUMANS. I'M OUT." the little droid rolled off and around the mayhem in the forest, leaving Finn and Rey on the edge.

"I suppose we jump now..." Finn looked down. Rey laced her fingers through his and nodded.

"Now..." and at that they both jumped, the wind rushing over them fast as they plummeted and then the only sensation was cold.

~I love you~

~And I love you~

It felt like a dream. Had it been a dream? Finn found himself on a bed, the bright light above him almost blinding as his eyes opened. Rey. His mind went crazy as everything that had happened. The battle, the cliff, the water, the confession. A young woman, small and gentle looking came to his bedside and smiled.

"Hello, Finn. I'm sure glad you're finally awake. Everybody was worried this time would be the time you didn't wake up." her smile was a little sad but Finn sighed in relief.

"Where's Rey?" he managed to rasp out, his voice being out of use for who knows how long. The nurse really smiled this time, not sad but almost amused, as if she knew that's who he would ask for first.

"I'll be right back. You just rest easy." she patted his arm gently and then walked off, Finn counting her steps as she disappeared through the doorway. What was only a few minutes felt like a few centuries before she reappeared with a teary-eyed Rey. Finn didn't care what he was hooked up to, what he looked like, nothing. He didn't care about anything but Rey's arms wrapping around him as he sat up and did the same.

"Finn..." Rey breathed into his neck and he could feel himself start to shake with relief, as if anxiety had choked him up in only a few moments of his consciousness. Her hands tightened, tugging at the fabric of his shirt on his back and he only tightened his embrace.

"Rey..." it was as if they couldn't even speak what they wanted to anymore. All they could do was whisper each other's name to make sure the person in their arms was the right one. When the embrace finally loosened Rey looked into his eyes and swallowed hard.

"Do you remember what we said before we jumped?" her eyes searched his frantically, as if she were afraid he had forgotten. How could he forget? How could he ever forget that. He nodded and smiled softly. Rey smiled back and her eyes started to well up again but this time she gently pressed her lips to his.

This is far better than holding hands. Was the only thought that drifted through his mind as he relaxed. This was Rey. This was Miss Independant. This was Rey. Holy crap it was Rey Skywalker. And she was kissing him.

When it broke they found themselves in a completely silent room, like everything had stopped and held its breath, but then the cheering and laughing and clapping surrounded them. Everybody had seen this one coming and even BB-8, who had somehow managed to escape that island, rolled around them in a little dance. As best a dance as a droid could do that is. Rey and Finn couldn't help but laugh now. Poe, Leia and Luke all stood their looking at them with mixed faces. Poe amused and elated, Leia proud but dignified and Luke, well, he's dad. 

requested by: anamil13

~Sooooooooooooo sorry for the late update this has been a very emotionally stressing couple of days and I REAAAAALLLLY hope you like it. Made it a bit longer to make up for it. Love you guys who keep on reading. ^.^~

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