Mother Knows Best

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Rey looked down at the little test the nurse hand handed her, taking it in as a small smile spread across her face. No way... she found herself giggling and looking up the other young woman excitedly.

"May I take this with me?"

"Of course, Rey." she smiled and stepped back as Rey got up. "Congratulations." she added cheerily and then disappeared into the back section of the infirmary. Rey hurried out of the room and down the hallway to find Finn.

She found Finn with Poe, getting a hands on lesson with an old engine. Finn greeted her with a smile but didn't want to hug her and get her covered in grease from his hands. Poe nodded and pointed to another part of the broken engine that they had almost finished repairing.

"Finn can I talk to you?" Rey felt her cheeks heat up and she tried to hide how giddy she felt inside. Finn wiped his palms on an old cloth and looked to Poe for permission.

"How important is it?" Poe questioned and stood up all the way up, grunting and shrugging his shoulders. Rey took a deep breath.

"Very." she said as surely as possible, trying to contain every ounce of excitement inside of her slight frame. Finn grinned but drew his eyebrows together in confusion. Poe laughed and nodded and Rey happily took Finn by the wrist and pulled him over to a more private spot.

"What is it, Rey?" he chuckled and Rey excitedly held up the little test in front of her so that Finn could see. He squinted at it for a moment, trying to decode its unnecessarily confusing marks. Finally though, he felt his face go warm and he looked up with wide eyes at Rey, his mouth spreading into a wide grin.

"No..." he said in disbelief, eyes glimmering with excitement. Rey nodded and smiled so wide her cheeks almost started to hurt. Finn forgot about his dirty, grease covered hands and stepped in close, cupping both sides of her face in his hands and kissing her lovingly. Rey giggled and wrapped her arms around his waist, clasping her hands together. Finn broke the kiss to look into her eyes again and giggle, his head shaking.

"It's real. It's happening..." she breathed and wiped grease off his cheek with her thumb, managing only to smear it. Finn took a deep breath and stepped back and looking at the ground for a moment before jumping into the air and calling out loudly with an excited

"WWWAAAAAAAAAAWHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" he landed but jumped up again and again and again until he was out of breath with laughing and resting his palms on his knees. Rey was almost in tears from excitement and joy. A very confused Poe and a bewildered BB-8 showed up and looked at them in confusion. Finn and Rey just grinned and laughed, not even giving their friends an explanation.


A few days had passed since they had found out for sure and the two of them sat side by side on the Falcon coming back from a gentler, more diplomatic mission, that Leia had sent them on after Rey had confided her in. (Leia had been overjoyed and excited, tearing up and feeling like very very proud 'mother')

Finn laced his fingers through Rey's and took a deep breath, looking at her lovingly and then sighing, biting his lip. Rey looked at him in confusion.

"What's the matter?" she questioned and squeezed his hand gently. Finn smiled and then looked back down.

"It just occured to me... we don't know the slightest thing about children..." he looked back up at her to see her own face go through a series of emotions ranging from 'oh shit, yeah. i forgot about that' to 'we'll do just fine'.

"It isn't like we don't have anybody around who knows what to do." she reminded him. Finn nodded and sighed in relief.

"Yeah.. but. I want to look up as much as possible and do as much research as we can. I don't want to be a bad dad..." a hint of sadness laced his tone and his face fell. Rey kissed his cheek softly and smiled.

"There is no way in the galaxy that you could be a bad father, Finn Skywalker."


Rey was starting to show, just a little, but Finn knew the difference. Every night he made a habit of kissing her belly before kissing her goodnight and snuggling her in close.

This night was no exception, placing his hands on her oh-so-slightly-distended belly and pressing his lips right above her belly button. This night, however, below his palm he felt the slightest little movement. Rey giggled quietly as Finn felt it again and looked up at her with wide eyes. He looked worried.

"What was that?" he questioned like a child and pulled his hand back in surprise when it happened again.

"They're just moving around a little." she chuckled and cupped Finn's cheek gently. Finn looked at her belly in surprise and amusement, kissing it again and the standing up.

"See I didn't even know that happened." he pecked her gently and then went over to the dresser to get her brush so that he could help her with her hair like he did every evening.

"How did you not know? You have been reading nonstop at every free moment you get." she chuckled and sat down on the bed. Finn sat down next to her and had her turn her back towards him so that he could pull the dark ribbons out of her hair. Her dark, loose curls fell down out of the buns and he started to brush it gently.

"I've been reading more on parenting than pregnancy..." he said shyly and brushed until her hair was smooth and tangle free. Rey turned around and took his hands in hers.

"Read both. I've been doing the opposite. Since I usually consult Leia on these things." she smiled and blushed, taking the brush and putting it on the bedstand before crawling under the covers and Finn following suit. He pulled her in close, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling into the back of her neck. Rey sighed and relaxed at the feeling of his warm chest against her bare shoulders and through her thin night clothes. They were quiet for a while before Finn whispered very gently.

"To be entirely honest.. I'm scared..." his arms tightened around her and she smiled.

"I am too. But I know we do well. It's our first child. Of course we're nervous." she felt as if every word she said were a quote from her older mentor. Finn nodded and kissed her shoulder gently.

"You're right," his lips curled into a smile, "Goodnight, Rey. I love you." 

(Yes, ironically, I wrote the chapter about the baby being born before writing this but... *le shrug* here's the, I guess, 'prequel' to Pater. I hope you enjoyed :) ) 

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