Trained for Cuddles

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It was freezing cold in the base. The heat hadn't been turned on yet because of some "training" as Poe called it. Rey was muscling through it. She had dealt with extreme temperatures before. But Finn was not happy. His suit had always kept him cool or warm wherever he had been and now he sat, shivering like an abandoned puppy, in Rey's room, wrapped in blankets.

"Why does it have to be SO COLD?!" he complained loudly to Rey who stood on her hands in the middle of the room, small objects like her comb and shoes floating in their places. She was getting better. But now she let herself down to the ground in annoyance.

"Finn. I said no talking. It breaks my concentration and you know that." she climbed to her feet and wiped her forehead. Somehow she had managed to sweat.

"I'm sorry but you've been doing that for HOURS and I'm freezing cold!" he flopped back on the bed and sighed.

"If you're so cold then why don't you get up and do something." her tone was slightly annoyed but still gentle with a hint of exhaustion. She had been training really hard.

"I was trying to keep you company..." he sighed and thought about even when she was upside down, the blood rushing to her head and making her face all pink, she was still beautiful. Looking at her now though her eyes seemed tired and there were dark bags forming under them. Maybe she had been training too hard recently.

"I don't need company." she stretched, reaching her arms up to the ceiling and accidentally yawning, unable to hide it anymore.

"Yeah you do. Now come here. You're really overworking yourself." Finn reached his arms out toward his almost-girlfriend and shivered a little, the air wafting into the empty space he had opened in the blankets. Rey quietly padded toward him, her bare feet on the cold ground, and then crawled into the bed next to him. She yawned again.

"I don't know why you are so concerned about how hard I work myself..." she trailed off sleepily. Finn smiled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and surrounding her with the blankets. He pressed his lips to her forehead and sighed warmly.

"Because... I love you." he whispered and rubbed her back with his thumbs. Rey sighed and closed her eyes, snuggling in close so that they could share each others warmth. And then, for the first time, Rey admitted it.

"I love you too, Finn." she thought she could feel his heart leap in his chest under her palms and it made her smile bigger than ever.  

Rey x Finn: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now