Bad Humor

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Rey hiccupped and giggled uncontrollably, looking at Finn with fuzzy eyes. Everything around her seemed to sway a little bit and the goofy man-child across from her was in the same state. Their minds were blurred and slowed from the effects of their first time drinking.

Poe had insisted on bringing out the booze at the birthday party they had thrown for Rey, leaving the two youngest attendees drunker than they had ever planned to be. Now they were sitting behind a large wall of boxes and crates that held things beyond their drunken remembrance, snickering and giggling and telling the worst jokes known to the galaxy. They found all of it horribly hilarious.

"Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the street?" Finn barely got it out through laughs at his own punchline. He tried to take another sip of whatever alcohol he was drinking -he had forgotten- but found the bottle empty. Rey giggled and handed him the rest of hers, knowing if she drank anymore she would be too wasted to keep on joking.

"I don't knoww... Why?" she leaned her head on a box and giggled more.

"To- hahhahaahaaa- to get to the Dark Side!!" Finn snorted and rolled to his side in laughter. Rey snorted and held her sides in pained laughter. The joke wasn't even funny but it killed both of them.

"Okay, okay I got one!" Rey snickered and tried to catch her breath to tell it. "Why was Yoda such a good gardener??" she bit her lip and giggled at Finn who was still giggling on the ground. He let his head rest on the tightly packed dirty floor and grinned.

"Why was he such a good gardener?" he giggled. Rey slapped her knee and fell over onto her side with giggles before she could even get out the punch line.

"Be-because! Because... BECAUSE HE HAD A GREEN THUMB!" she squealed out and held her sides again, rolling around and laughing uncontrollably. Finn was in a shambles, not even laughing, just wheezing in amusement at her joke.

When their laughter finally died down, pain forcing them to stop and fill their lungs once more with air, they found themselves giggling quietly at each others little noises. Rey scooted in close and tickled Finn's sides, making him giggle like a child and cry out.

"NooooooooooO!" he rolled over and ended up practically on top of her. She tickled him again to hear his little giggles and then stopped.

"I've got one more joke..." she gave him an ornery grin.

"What is it, miss Jedi-face." he was using toddler insults now. Oh brother... she thought and giggled quietly.

"Well... STORMYYYYY, I've been reading this book about Force levitation...." she giggled and closed her eyes, laughing so hard she started to tear up, "I can't put it down!!!!" she squealed and watched as Finn died in laughter in front of her, rolling over and off of her and giggling like crazy. He left his hand out to the side, letting her grab it and smile. She was finding that the drunken stuper was lifting off of her, as if she couldn't stay in that fuzzy haze for longer than a few hours. It didn't make sense to her but she decided to ask Luke in the morning.. Or... Later in the morning? She didn't know anymore. But now, she could clearly think about how much she loved Finn's laugh. How much joy it brought her to see his face scrunched up like that and his entire torso curling up a little as he giggled and held his sides. Something about it made her feel so warm inside and brought her to scoot in closer to him and hug him. Finn laughed into her shoulder until he couldn't anymore and both of them yawned. He too could feel the alcohol wearing off as he closed his eyes.

"This was fun..." he mumbled and pushed his arms around her waist, pulling her in close and nuzzling under chin. Rey giggled and rested her head on her shoulder, letting her arms wrap around him over his shoulders and his head rest on her arm.

"Yes it was..." she whispered and kissed the top of his head.

"Happy.." he yawned quietly again, ".. Birthday, Rey." he finished it off in a whisper but she was already asleep and he followed suit after smiling contentedly to himself. 

Rey x Finn: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now