Our Beautiful Givers Of Light

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(disclaimer this is Jedistormpilot and also yes this is physically and scientifically possible it's science. Sorry for any weird errors my phone is being stupid 😂😂)
Rey's eyes fluttered open, the room around her hazy with her sleep filled vision and she
looked to her left, seeing Poe's face a few inches from her with the full effect stubble of a long
night's sleep. Around her waist she could feel Finn's strong arms, holding her tight and keeping
her safe but in the moment she wished he hadn't been holding her on so tight. She could feel
her stomach churning, gut heaving. Rey fought to get out of Finn's arms, so desperate that she
woke him up and clambered over Poe in a hurry, rushing to the bathroom and making it just in
time to open up the toilet and throw up into it. She felt much better immediately after and she sat
back against the wall, wiping her mouth and wincing at the taste of bile. Oh fantastic I'm getting sick. The curly­-haired form of Poe showed up in the doorway, blanket wrapped around his waist
and hair tussled as he looked down at her with worry.
"You alright?" he inquired softly and sleepily. Rey nodded and climbed to her feet,
flushing the contents of the toilet and washing her hands before leaning down under the faucet
and taking a big gulp of water to clear the taste from her mouth.
"Yeah I'm fine... I just felt.. queasy." Poe nodded, still looking concerned, and stepped in
to cup her cheek and kiss her forehead.
"Go back to bed it's really early." he said softly and smiled at her. Rey frowned.
"What about you?"
"I've got to get up now and get ready for some recruit training today, I'm sorry. It's not
you don't have Finn to keep you warm." he chuckled and Rey nodded.
"Okay.." she yawned and pushed up on her toes just an inch so she could kiss his rough
cheek before tiptoeing back to the bed and crawling in next to a confused Finn.
It was the same thing­ early morning sent her straight to the bathroom to relieve the
same need. She never felt sick any other time though and she didn't really understand it. Rey
didn't have a lot of knowledge when it came to how the body worked and why it did different
things. She just knew what to do when she bled. Poe, on the other hand, started to catch on to
what was going on with her.
After another early morning trip to the bathroom she hurried back to bed and snuggled
back in between the two men, thinking they were still asleep, but was surprised to feel Poe
nuzzling against her shoulder blades.
"Rey?" he whispered and kissed her smooth and freckled skin.
"Yes? I'm sorry if I woke you.." she shifted to she could look at him as they spoke. She
didn't want to wake Finn.
"No no it's fine, listen we need to talk about something." he pushed hair out of her eyes
that had come loose from her night braid.
"What is it is something wrong?" she whispered, brow furrowing but she felt eased by the
way he quickly shook his head.
"No, nothing's wrong I just noticed for the past couple of days now you keep feeling sick.
I think you should go to the Medbay, see what's going on." Rey furrowed her brow again.
"That implies something is wrong." she said plainly but the man next to her shook his
head, kissing her softly and running his hand along her side.
"No it doesn't. Promise me you'll go today and tell them? Please, Rey?" he looked at her
with his big brown eyes and she rolled her own, giving in wordlessly and kissing him this time,
quickly and softly.
"Alright. I promise I will. After training though I don't want to keep Luke waiting. He hates
waiting." Poe chuckled and nodded, holding her close and both of them went back to sleep.
"The doctor said you're what?" Finn looked at her with raised eyebrows, eyes wide with surprise and he felt slightly bashful. Poe was trying to hide a wide grin.
"I went to the medbay and told them how I was feeling so they ran a few tests and they
said... I am.. Pregnant." she couldn't really believe it herself, sure that after so many years of
malnourishment would have left her incapable of bearing children. She had only started her
period about six months previous and was still coming to terms with the fact that it was a part of
life but.. A baby? Finn's eyes flickered over to Poe and he crossed his arms.
"What are you so smug about, mister?" he said, slightly defensive. Poe shook his head
and shrugged. Rey looked at the two men and suddenly went pale.
"Uhm.. you know. I just really thought about something... if I'm pregnant... then... which
of you is the father?" Poe suddenly felt a lot less smug, heart skipping for a second. When he
had deduced that Rey was pregnant he assumed surely it was Finn's, for some reason counting
himself out of the equation. He didn't even know why he did it but it had definitely been
subconscious because up until she mentioned it he had been calm and collected. Oh shit. Poe
and Finn glanced at each other and then back at Rey.
"I'd suggest a paternity test." Poe said quickly. He wasn't afraid of being a father, not by
a long shot it was just something he hadn't really thought about. He was a pilot, a soldier in a
war. Never before had he put much thought into a family. Poe wondered how Rey felt about it,
after all she was in training to become a Jedi, young and just starting out with a real and
meaningful life.
"Paternity test?" Rey questioned and sat down, rubbing her temples as if to ease a pain
behind her eyes.
"Yeah. Finn and I go in, they get samples of our DNA in whatever way they do it,
honestly I've never had to go in for one before, but I do know they exist. Then they test to
determine the father of the baby." Rey nodded.
"I think I will."
Inconclusive. How on earth did a paternity test come up inconclusive. Rey looked at the
holo­pad in bewilderment. How am I supposed to tell Finn and Poe that the test came up
inconclusive. The voice of a young woman, a nurse, interrupted her thoughts.
"Excuse me, Rey? Uhm, I know it might be really confusing, the test coming up
inconclusive but sometimes it is a bit hard to tell. It's fairly early on, you see. If you want we can
do a scan to see how it's doing though. Just check up on how it's doing?" Rey smiled and
nodded, taking a deep breath and letting the nurse do what she needed to. There was a cold
jelly that she had to get spread over her stomach and it made her giggle, the nurse grinning
knowingly at her.
"Does this hurt?" she asked as the nurse, whom she had learned was named Casie.
"No, not a bit, it will just tickle at first." she had set up the little machine to roll over Rey's
stomach, setting it down and smiling as she looked up at the screen.
"What is this called again?"
"An ultrasound." the young woman looked at the screen now, Rey joined her and tried to
understand what was on the screen. After a little bit the woman grinned from ear to ear.
"What is it?"
"You see those little circles right there?" she pointed at the two slightly lopsided circles
on the screen and made sure Rey was looking where she directed, "Those are the babies. The
beginnings of them." Rey froze, looking at the screen in absolute shock. Baby.. babIES.
"Did you say.. Babies... as in... more than one?" Casie nodded.
"Yes, Rey. Twins. No way to tell if they're fraternal or identical though. I'd suggest you
start telling people soon because with twins it'll be a lot harder to hide for a long time. Twice the
babies takes up two times the space." she was cheerful and warming and Rey smiled back at
her but inside her stomach was churning and head spinning. How the hell am I supposed to tell
"I can tell, you know that right?" Leia's voice startled Rey, making her jump just slightly in
her seat. She turned to see the woman who had become as close to a mother to her as
"Tell what?" she asked innocently and got a wry smile from her mentor.
"What you're carrying."
"I'm not carrying anything I­ oh.." Leia chuckled and sat down next to her.
"How far along?"
"A few months..?" Leia nodded and smiled. They were quiet for a moment and suddenly
Rey felt overwhelmed. The need to talk to somebody who she trusted had built up inside of her
and she turned to Leia, slightly afraid. "Leia? Uhm.. I.. I'm kind of.. Scared. I don't know what to
"Why are you afraid?" Leia took Rey's hand in hers softly and could feel the young
woman shaking.
"Many reasons... I'm supposed to be a Jedi.. I'm not supposed to be so attached and on
top of that I don't know who the father is AND ... it's twins." it just all came out so fast that she
didn't know how to EXPLAIN some of the things she spat rapid fire. Leia squeezed her hand.
"Slow down... first off, yes, being a Jedi and having children is... dangerous.. But it's
already dangerous enough that you are with Finn..." she trailed off for a moment "as for twins..
That is a lot.. But also not surprising. The Force can sometimes.. Help along conception... and...
well.." she was quiet for a long enough time that Rey knew what she was pausing over.
"It's Poe.. Poe is the other.. Potential father.." she said very quietly and Leia blushed
lightly, nodding.
"It's none of my business, meddling with your choices and affairs­"
"Finn knows... it's kind of.. An unofficial.. I don't know what to call it." Leia smiled
"Love is love.. Is it not?... Well.. all I can say really is that.. I'm here for you. Anything you
need to talk about, I'm available, any time. Do you understand?" Rey nodded and took a deep
breath, finding herself wrapped up in Leia's comforting arms.
Rey stretched, back aching as she struggled to sit up on the bed. Poe watched with soft
eyes and knew she would reject any assistance. The young woman rested her hand on her stomach and sighed, running it over the curve of her ever­growing size.
"How are the little ones?" Poe said very quietly and shuffled over to the edge of the bed,
kneeling down and running his hand over the curve. It was weird, how hard and yet completely
comfortable her body was under his fingertips. Rey smiled and closed her eyes.
"They're fine. Healthy, growing. Just the same as yesterday, and the day before
yesterday, and the day before that." she chuckled and opened her eyes again. Poe pulled up
the shirt that was so tightly pulled over her and he kissed her baby bump. Finn stepped out of
the bathroom, steam pouring out behind him as he left with a towel wrapped around his waist
and his torso still dripping. Rey blushed and looked at him expectantly.
"How's the mama?" he chuckled and went to the wardrobe to find clothes.
"I'm fine, what is it with you two and asking about me and the babies?"
"We love you and we're concerned for your wellbeing­ either of us could be the father."
"What is it? What is it?" Finn mumbled and squirmed as Rey anxiously shook him.
"Finn please, please wake up ­ow­.." she whimpered and shook him harder. Hearing her
declaration of discomfort he opened his eyes, peering through the darkness to see the terrified
expression on her face. He immediately reached for the light and once he could see her he
finally caught sight of what had her in such a state. There she sat in a pool of water ­what
looked like water at least­
"Oh. Shit." it was all that he could say as he jumped out of bed. "Poe get up, NOW!" he
said, not quietly, but actually rather panicked. Poe grumbled.
"What the hell is it why is the light on??"
"Rey's water broke." Poe was up in a flash, looking at Rey with shock and she looked up
at the two of them with equal panic.
"Guys whats happening?" she whimpered and suddenly felt a sharp pain. "Oh.. this is..
Ow.. alright then." she breathed in shakily
"Here come on, Rey, come here we're going to have to walk alright? It will be fine the
medbay isn't very far." Poe and Finn helped Rey to her feet, supporting her with her arms
around their shoulders as they hurried her to the medbay where the night nurses immediately
went into action. They got Rey undressed and into a gown, getting her set up in a bed and trying
to convince her that she should get numbed but she insisted it wouldn't work because of the fact
that she was Force sensitive. Leia backed up her statement when she arrived, only wishing that
Rey could have been more prepared for this. Finn and Poe were pacing back and forth outside
after they said they had to leave. Neither of them wanted to leave Rey alone in there but she
wasn't entirely without support. Leia had been allowed to stay.
"Why aren't we allowed in there?" Finn kept mumbling to himself, biting at his nails as he
paced and suddenly Poe stopped him, equally as nervous but constantly more level­headed.
"Finn, babe, calm down okay?"
"But she's scared! I know she's scared!" Finn took a deep breath and looked at Poe with
a terrified expression. Poe cupped both sides of Finn's face and rested their foreheads together.
"She has Leia with her, and doctors and nurses. She will be fine, alright? Just take a
deep breath, Finn. In a while they will come out here and tell us we can go in and we get to see
them, we get to see the little babies." he smiled softly and Finn looked up at him with nervous eyes.
"I'm so nervous about which one of us­ which one of us is it?" Poe gently tilted Finn's
chin up and kissed him softly, trying to calm him.
"We'll find out, won't we now? Just take a deep deep breath. Think of it this way, no
matter whose they are, they've still got a badass Jedi mom and two dads. They win at life." he
chuckled and Finn laughed too, relaxing as he leaned into Poe, hugging him tightly. Poe and
Finn stood like that for a while, embracing as they waited. Moments ­very long moments-
passed before a young woman, face happy but dripping with sweat from stress, exited the room
and smiled widely.
"Congratulations." it was all she had to say before the two men leapt up, hands locked
together as the woman let them enter the room. Rey lay on the bed, hair down and a little
sweaty with her cheeks flushed but she looked peaceful and over joyed. In her arms she held a
little baby, wrapped up in a pink blanket and in a little crib next to her rested a tiny child wrapped
up in blue.
"Rey?" Finn said softly and she looked up, eyes welled with happy tears.
"Finn..." she was happy and quiet and she beckoned him over to see the baby in her
arms. Finn looked down at the baby she held, the one closest to him and he took a deep breath.
The little infant had a mixed complexion, between Rey's light but tanned skin and his dark. He
felt an odd sense of relief wash over him. I'm the father. He reached out and pulled the blanket
away from the baby's face so he could get a better look. At their side Poe had already picked up
the baby swaddled in light blue.
"A son and a daughter..." Poe breathed and looked at his son. Honorary son. He thought
before he realized something. This little boy he held in his arms didn't have the same mixed
complexion as his sister and it perplexed him into turning to find the doctor. For some reason he
was worried.
"Why is­"
"Why is she much darker than him?" the woman finished the question before he had
even completely figured out how to form it on his tongue.
"Um.. yeah." he looked between the doctor, Finn and Rey. They both looked equally
concerned and curious and so the doctor gave the desired answer.
"Fraternal twins occur when two eggs are released by a woman and both are fertilized by
male sperm. What happened here," she blushed hard, trying to ignore the logistics behind it,
"was that one egg was fertilized by Finn and the other by Mr.Dameron." Poe found himself
chuckling deep in his chest as he looked from the doctor down to the boy in his arms.
"So you're saying this little baby boy here, is genetically mine. And the girl is Finn's?"
"Yes." she said matter of factly and smiled. Poe looked back to Finn and Rey who were
equally surprised at the news but at the same time elated. Leia stood at the edge of the room
watching the whole ordeal. There was a knock on the door before anybody could say anything
further. There stood Luke, slightly abashed and incredibly tired looking. Rey smiled at him
"Master." he stepped in and smiled.
"Rey, call me Luke for now, it's easy and you're tired," she nodded as he looked at the
little baby in Rey's arms and then at the one in Poe's, "What are you going to call them?" he
asked and looked between the three. Poe smiled at Rey and Finn as they all seemed to pause. They had thought of names but for some reason none of them fit anymore. There was a silence,
light and happy but also very tired.
"Liwa and­" Finn started and Poe cut him off, looking right at Rey's mentor.
"Liwa and Luke. My son's name is Luke, sir." Rey blushed hard and looked at Poe, a
small smile creeping over her face as her eyes fluttered over to Luke. The man stood taller now,
shoulders back and chin up. He seemed far more touched than she had ever witnessed before.
"I'm honored, that you would want to name your son after me." he said reverently and
looked at Rey who was in completely agreement with the names chosen by both men. Coming
alongside her brother, Leia smiled proudly. It was a nurse who cut the moment.
"I hate to interrupt this but I really think that Rey needs to rest. You can come back in the
morning but I have to tell you to leave. Only the father ­ fathers ­," she corrected herself, "can
stay now." everybody seemed to sigh, wishing the others a good night, which had only a few
hours left in it. Now Rey was yawning, letting Finn take his daughter into his arms and nervously
say hello, properly greeting her into the world. Rey looked between both men and the babies
before whispering.
"Liwa and Luke... Beautiful and light giving."

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