Little Rey of Sunshine

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 Rey had seen endless sand, endless green, endless water but never before had she seen endless white. The wind seemed to flow right through her as she stepped off the Falcon onto the cold and blizzard ravaged surface of Hoth. Finn followed in suit, pulling his heavy winter coats even tighter around his body after seeing Rey do the same. They squinted their eyes against the cold wind and looked back into the belly of the ship waiting for Chewy to follow suit.

They had been sent here to check on the old base they had stationed here. Apparently it had been one of the main bases years ago but was currently unused, the Resistance found themselves in need of it once more as the battle against the First Order grew.

"Where exactly is it supposed to be?!" Rey called out over the winds and snow and Finn strained to hear her.

"WHat??!!" he shuffled in closer, leaning in so that she didn't have to yell.

"Where is the base?!" she said, getting frustrated by the harsh climate already. The coats were barely helping. Chewy finally emerged from the Falcon and called out to them, his loud utterances easily heard above the storm. Rey nodded and sighed.

"Does he know?"

"Yeah. I forgot he's been here before actually. Come on. We're going to get stuck in this if it picks up even more." Finn wanted desperately to reach out and grab Rey's hand, the snow billowing around them in heavy waves and making it hard to see. He thought he would lose her small form amidst it. Her hands stayed in her pockets however, probably a smart choice, and he did the same. They followed the old wookie until they finally stumbled across the base, the door almost frozen shut. They pried it open and hurried inside to escape the wind, shivering as they felt warmer already without the wind chill.

"You alright?" Finn asked Rey, teeth chattering and bouncing on his feet a little. A very cold, near-ice cicle Rey shook her head and scooted in closer to Finn, snuggling in under his outer coat that hadn't been zipped. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm too used to the desert." she muttered and nestled her head down amongst the heavy layers he wore. Chewy disappeared into the dark, leaving with a final cry that Finn guessed was him saying he was going to find out if the generators were still working.

"Let's get you warmed up alright?" he chuckled and shuffled with her still hugging him tight, making his way deeper into the base. Rey giggled, standing on his feet so that he walks both of them to a warmer room. Half way through their journey the lights turned on, the flickering old bulbs slowly lighting up all the way down the halls. Somewhere deep inside the base they heard Chewy crying out happily and they giggled as they finally plopped down on an old bench in one of the control rooms. Finn pulled off one of his coats and draped it around her shoulders.

"How long do we have to stay here?" she questioned, still shivering noticeably. Finn smiled and wrapped his arms around her, letting her rest her back against him as she sat between his legs.

"I think until we get communications up and they get people to run this place. Hopefully that happens quickly. I want to get back to where it's relatively warm." he chuckled. Rey felt the laugh heavy from his chest, vibrating in her own chest and it warmed her a little. She turned a little and looked up at him, cheeks flushed pink from the cold and from shyness simultaneously. Leaning up a little bit she kissed his cheek softly, seeing him blush and feeling the warmth of his skin against her almost blue lips.

"Sorry if that was cold." she whispered and looked down nervously. Finn kissed her temple and shook his head.

"Nope. It warmed me up from head to toe." he shook his feet a little and tightened his arms around them, moving them from side to side like he was dancing in his seat. Both of them laughed until Chewy came in and grumbled at them to stop acting like weirdos.

"Oh shush it Fuzzball." Rey retorted playfully and knew he had surely complained about Han and Leia a million times. They sat quietly none the less and watched as the big hulk of a wookie moved around the controls, flipping switches and getting things in order.

"Need any help?" Finn asked and Rey immediately protested.

"Hey! You can't leave you're my human heater!" she scooted in backwards into him and he shrugged.

"I can warm you up later. Chewy looks like he needs help!"

"Nope!" she giggled and Finn looked at Chewy, shrugging. He responded with the usual and shrugged it off himself. He was done very quickly and Finn and Rey decided to look at the sleeping arrangements they would have for the night, or maybe even week. The rooms were small, the bunks even smaller but in the cold they didn't really care. They found heavy blankets and shed their coats, crawling onto the thin mattress that sat on the bottom bunk and shivering until their body heat warmed up the covers.

"You warm enough?" Finn's teeth chattered as he pulled her in as close as possible and raised his brow. Rey smiled softly and nodded.

"Thanks to you yes." she whispered quietly and pulled the covers over their heads so that they lost as little heat as possible. They talked and chatted for a while, deciding on what they would spend their time there doing, before Rey dozed off to sleep her head resting softly in the crook of Finn's elbow. He smiled lovingly and let her stay there despite his hand starting to feel numb. With her cheeks painted a light pink and her chest slowly moving as the sleep set in, Finn realized that the only warmth he would ever need was curled up right next to him, his little Rey. His little Rey of sunshine.   

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