Chapter Four - A Jealous Chanyeol

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"Hey, so do you want to join me at the hotel?" Baekhyun asked.

"Well, it's kinda late and you should get your rest." Malia stated.

"I'm going back to Korea tomorrow which means I'm going to be on a plane for a very long time. I don't need rest. Especially when I'd rather be with someone special. I want to get to know you more." He said as he caressed Malia's cheek.

"Are you sure? Won't you get in trouble by your manager?" She asked him.

"As long as he doesn't know you're there..."

"What?!" She said in shock.

"Don't worry. I'll just lock the door so people have to knock first. Anyways, he only comes to my room if he thinks I'm awake. It'll be fine." He pushed Malia's hair behind her ear.

"Alright. I just don't want you to get in trouble because of me." She smiled.

"That's so sweet of you to care." Baekhyun gave Malia a kiss. Afterwards, he gazed into her eyes for a few minutes. She enjoyed feeling like time was frozen.

"As much as I want to just sit here and be with you, I have to go let my manager know that I'm taking you to stay for a bit. I'll be right back." Baekhyun left and Malia sat there scrolling through her phone. After a minute Chanyeol walked in the room.

"Hi, Malia." Chanyeol waved. "I thought you'd might like some water." He hands her a bottled water.

"Thank you." She took it and smiled. Chanyeol sat down next to her.

"I also wanted to apologize for intruding earlier. Sehun and I were messing around and we crashed into the door." Chanyeol explained with a lie.

"It's alright." She said after taking a sip of water.


"Kai, come with me to see what Chanyeol's doing." Sehun asked his friend who was busy fixing his hair.

"What for?" Kai asked.

"He has a crush on Baekhyun's new girlfriend. He does the most funniest things when he's around her and you have to see it!" Sehun answered while Kai was still trying to get his hair the way he wanted.

"Eh, sure." Kai gave in and ended up putting a hat on. Sehun and Kai went to the room and found Chanyeol talking to Malia.

"What are you guys doing here?" Chanyeol asked Kai and Sehun.

"We wanted to get to know our new friend here." Sehun grinned at a glaring Chanyeol.

"I'm Malia." She stood up to shake their hands.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I'm sure Chanyeol already apologized but I wanted to apologize too." Sehun stated.

"It's fine." Malia claimed. They all talked about several topics before getting to dancing.

"You all are so amazing at dancing. I swear I could watch you guys dance for the rest of my life and I could never get bored." Malia complimented them. They all thanked her.

"Do you dance?" Kai asked.

"Actually, I used to take dance classes when I was a little girl but I had to stop because my parents couldn't afford it. I really enjoyed it though. Now I just dance at parties." She laughed.

"Aw, you look like you would be a really good dancer." Kai said before Baekhyun walked in with a huge cheesy smile.

"My manager said it was okay to take you with me!" Baekhyun yelled in excitement. He ran to Malia and gave her a kiss that lasted nearly a few minutes. Chanyeol awkwardly looked away. Sehun tapped Kai and pointed to Chanyeol. Both Sehun and Kai covered their mouth to laugh. When Baekhyun pulled away he sat down in between Chanyeol and Malia. He then asked what they were talking about. Malia told him and Baekhyun pouted.

"Sehun and I could show you some dances the next time we see you." Kai offered.

"That would be so cool guys. I'd really appreciate that." Malia smiled.

"If I was a good dancer, I would help you too." Chanyeol stated.

"You are good!" Malia said, surprised that Chanyeol didn't think he's good enough. Chanyeol shook his head in disagreement.

"Chanyeolah, you're a really great dancer." Baekhyun patted Chanyeol's leg.

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