Pizza Time Diaster

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     Warning: mention of death ^.^b

Abijah's POV

     " am I going to get you back to normal?" mumbled Zaneta to herself as she carried me upstairs. She stopped at a wall, whispered something in Hebrew, and a door magically appeared. We entered through the door to find a medieval study. Zaneta sat me down on a nearby table, then went to a bookshelf.

"Omen Meanings 101...nope...Different Omen Types...nope...Beginner's Guide on How to Control Your Omen Mark...yes!" said Zaneta as she rummaged through the bookshelf. She pulled out a wore-out ancient book and dropped on the table.

"HISSSS HISSS" I hissed in fear and tried to slitter away, but Zaneta caught me in time.

"Calm down," she whispered to me while flipping through pages in the book.

"Yes! turn back to your normal self, you must think the opposite of what your omen is! So you're the snake and the snake is the omen of life, fertility, etc, so think of death!" shouted Zaneta with joy. I nodded my scaly small head and closed my eyes. Death...Lenore and my family laying dead on the ground. Blood everywhere and the killer staring at me with insane happiness.

"Abijah?! You're back to normal!" shouted Zaneta. I opened my eyes to see that I was back to normal and laying on the study's table.

"I remember the first time I transformed expect when I turned back to normal, I was...well you get the point!" laughed Zaneta. Suddenly the study's door opened, revealing mom standing outside the room.

"Get your things, girls! We're going to this cute little pizzeria near my workplace!" said mom before leaving the room. Zaneta and I looked at each other, shrugged out shoulders, and exited the study to get our stuff.

            POV Change

     Lenore's POV

     We pulled up to Luigi's Pizzeria, a small restaurant with the best Italian food you'll ever have. My family and I exited our car and entered the pizzeria. We were immediately greeted by a beautiful tall girl with sun-kissed skin, emerald green eyes, and short curly dark chestnut hair.

     "Papa! The Matas are-a here!" shouted the girl to the back kitchen. The girl was Brynnella Singora. She's 19 years old and is the daughter of the owner, Luigi Singora. We don't call her Brynnella, since our families are so close to each other, we call her Brynnie. A tall man who looked exactly like Brynnie, but plump; darker eyes, hair, and skin; and had a mustache.

     "Ah-a! Mr. and-a Mrs. Mata! It has-a been so-a long!" said the man, known as Luigi. Brynnie and Luigi were originally from Rome, Italy, but they moved to London, so they could start the Luigi's Pizzeria chain. So far, they're over 100 Luigi's Pizzeria in the UK, but Luigi and Brynnie still run the original by themselves with some help from workers they hired.

     "Let's-a get you all-a a table!" said Brynnie as she led us to a booth. She handed us some menus and got a high chair for Beau.

"The-a usual, sí?" asked Brynnie, holding her mini notebook. We nodded our heads and Brynnie wrote down our usual orders.

"Ok-a! Give us fifteen-a minutes!" said Brynnie as she walked back to the kitchen. Suddenly I realized that we were the only family in the restaurant.

"Weird...isn't Luigi's usually busy?" I asked to father and mother.

"Yes...I have no idea why it's not busy today..." mumbled mother while feeding Beau squashed peas. Suddenly the bell on the pizzeria's door chimed. I stood up to see Abijah and her family talking to Brynnie. I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Ciao! My-a name's Brynnella and-a I'll be-a your waitress! Follow-a me!" I heard Brynnie say to them. She led the Serpens family to a booth across from my family's booth.

"Can I start-a you all-a with some-a drinks?" asked Brynnie, whipping out her mini notebook.

"A Doctor Pepper for me," I heard Zaneta asked.

"A glass of your famous vino," asked a short formal lady, who was probably Abi's and Zaneta's mother.

"A water with lemon since I'll be driving," said a average sized yet strong looking man who was probably their father.

"I'll also have a water with lemon," said Abi as Brynnie wrote all their requests down.

"I'll be-a right back-a!" said Brynnie as she walked to the kitchen. I turned to father and mother to see them pale as ghosts.

"What's wrong?" I asked as they stared at Abi's family.

"Lenore, we have to leave now!" whispered-shouted mother as she grabbed Beau from the high chair.

"Mata...we meet at last..." said two voices. We looked up to see Abi's mother and father right in front of us. Father growled while mother squished her eyes at them.

"Serpens...I should of known...I smelt your scent from a mile away! Lenore, get Beau and Colby to the car," hissed mother at them. She handed Beau to me, I grabbed her, and then grabbed Colby's hand. While trying to get out of the booth, I accidentally ran into Abi. Our hands touched, causing a mini tornado of sparks to form. Mother grabbed Beau and Colby away from me. They suddenly fainted from the energy the tornado emitted.

"What the hell?!" Abi and I screamed in unison as the tornado of sparks grew larger. Both of our fathers grabbed our free hand and tried to pull us apart, but failed. Suddenly Brynnie walked out of the kitchen with everyone's drinks.

"What the?!?!?!" screamed Brynnie as she accidentally dropped the tray with the drinks. She ran over to the sparky tornado thing and pulled Abi's and mine's hand that were stuck together. Suddenly the tornado ceased and Abi and I flew in opposite direction. Luckily, my father caught me and Zaneta caught Abi.

"The great-a prophecy...they're the-a ones, aren't they-a?" asked Brynnie before Luigi ran from the kitchen to the scene.

"How did you know about the prophecy?" asked the Serpens family and I. Brynnie and Luigi laughed.

"Well-a because every-a omen bearer knows-a about the great-a prophecy!" said Luigi and Brynnie in unison.

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