Chapter 17

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Miria's POV

It was great to have my dad back. I mean, he's been dead for YEARS!... well kinda, but still. I was walking down the street humming. Not anything really just some random notes that seemed to flow in my head. I turned around the corner and bumped into someone.

"Ow. Watch where you- oh, hello." I looked up at the guy. It was Jaki, a guy from my class when I was in the academy. Always hit on me and I didn't like it, though he was kinda sweet, until he got pissed. At all. Orange hair, purple eyes. I didn't get it either but that's how he turned out.

"Hello Jaki." I stood, dusted myself off, and tried to walk past him. He wasn't gonna ruin my day today. If he did it would be the last thing he would do. He wouldn't let me.

"Come on Miria. I never see you any more. Last time I saw you was at the Chunin exams after owning my ass during the preliminaries."

"And I have been fine with that."

"Well I haven't. What's been happening?"

"I just got back from being kidnapped." He looked worried.

"Wow. Who took ya?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have time for this."

"Come on Miria." I sighed. Might as well.

"My uncle. He was gonna kill me but Shikamaru saved me." He glared a little.

"Oh. Well at least you're okay." I nodded and tried to leave again. "So where you headed?"

"No where. Just walking."

"May I join you?"




"Why not?"

"Because the last thing I need is Sakura telling Shikamaru I'm cheating on him with you." He glared more.

"You're dating him?" I nodded. "What do you see in him?"

"Excuse me!" Did he just go there?

"I mean, yea he's smart, he's a chunin and you've been friends since you met. But he's so lazy, doesn't wanna do anything, complains, and acts cool even though he isn't, kinda like that idiot Kiba. Pretending to be cool. I mean he is probably covered in fleas and smells like a dog. He also has that little mutt on his head and some girls think it's cute but it's just dumb. But anyways. Why Shikamaru? He's a Nara and all he does is play with shadows. I mean, at least Kiba has a dog, even if it is dumb. I would think you'd wanna guy like me, I can protect you from anything and not have to stand in one place while doing so." I snapped.

"For your information I love Shikamaru for who he is and love the fact he's lazy! He doesn't try and act cool! Kiba's my brother and we are not covered in fleas and we smell like dogs because we are surrounded by them! What's wrong with shadows and being a Nara? And I don't care if you think you can protect me! Your sorry ass can't do fucking shit! So don't be all 'I'm better because I'm a Haruno' because last time I checked, Sakura is a bitch! And so aren't you!" Almost forgot, he's Sakura's cousin. He just looked at me and got angry. He grabbed my wrist and squeezed it so that I couldn't get away. It was beginning to hurt.

"Listen to me and listen to me now. You are going to love me and take back everything you said about Sakura and I."

"Why would I do you the pleasure of doing that?" He squeezed harder.

"Because Haruno's are the best."

"Bull shit. No you're not. You suck. What's your specialty huh? What? Nothing. Shut your dumbass mouth. I don't have time to waste on you." He hit me. And I would have fallen if he wasn't cutting the circulation off from my wrist. I looked and him and he hit me again. Over and over until I heard a voice.

"Get off my daughter you worm." I looked over and there was my father, with a bag of leftovers from the BBQ restaurant for the dogs.

"What do you mean? Ryu's been dead for years."

"No I was reincarnated into the black dragon statue my brother and his lackeys worshiped. I finally was able to come back today and don't like you touching my daughter or speaking to her the way you have been. Yes, I have been here the whole time, watching over Miria, and I will not have you hurt her, let alone think of her again, release her, or you're finished." Jaki rolled his eyes, let go and walked off. I held my wrist and started to heal it. Damn it hurt. I went over to dad and we went home. When we got there Kiba burst out the doors and over to us.

"Jaki is here. And he's threatening to kill Mimi." I clenched my fists and walked in. Jaki had Mimi at kunai point and holding her by the scruff.

"Hello Miria. Before you say anything I'm going to tell you that if you don't dump that Nara right now I'm gonna kill your mutt." I sighed.

"Will you come with me first?"

"Why?" I gave a little seductive walk.

"To talk of course. Maybe more, I'll bring you somewhere Shikamaru's never been." His eyes danced with delight and he dropped Mimi and she ran off. I led him to the back where we trained sometimes.

"What are we doing." He walked over and eyed me.

"This. Ryujin Inu Bakuhatsu No Jutsu!" I transformed and was about to kill him, rethought, them just took his leg off and his opposite arm. Then changed back.

"I was thinking of killing you, but decided against it. Now. Leave!" I called ANBU and they collected him. Shikamaru came over later.

"Hey Miria."

"Hey Shika."

"What's up?"

"Almost killed Jaki"

"Why?" I told him everything. "That bastard!"

"Yup." I snuggled into Shika and he kissed me sweetly.

"I love you Miria."

"I love you to Shika."

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