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walking to through the oh so familiar airport brought every emotion possible all at once. all the hellos, the goodbyes, everything. walking through this crowded building was defiantly not new for you. this airport was crucial for your relationship to continue. your boyfriend of three years used this airport to come home to his sweet girl and it brought you the embrace from the boy you'd been missing for months.

today was the day calum was coming home for a two months break and you couldn't be more happy. you could already feel the tears threatening to spill out of your eyes as you got closer and closer to the gate he'd be walking out of. checking your phone one last time as if on que the time turned to 5:15 and passengers started walking through the gate. your heart rate increased and you saw the gray pompom of his favorite beanie peaking out over the top of the crowd. without being able to control yourself you screamed your boyfriends name and ran. his head shot up almost immediately and his bags dropped out of his hands extending outward to catch his girl. as soon as your body's made contact you latched each other into one of the tightest hugs you've ever shared.

"i missed you so much"

he'd faintly whisper into your ear as more then one tear would escape the corner of your eye. after holding each other in a tight embrace you'd finally moved apart to get a good look at him. he looked just like you'd remembered. except he looked more tired and run down then before leaving for tour. while admiring his flawless features he surprised you by pressing his lips against yours.

when the kiss had ended leaving his hands on your cheeks he rested his forehead on yours.
"let's go home"
he whispered with a smile so big it looked like it would hurt the average person. grabbing his bags off the floor you latched your hands together walking out of the building full of hellos and goodbyes, you'd smile because though the goodbye are hard the hellos are always worth the wait.

it's really late and I'm really sad and this just kinda of happened so i hope you enjoy

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