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           the studio was starting to get beyond warm and stuffy after the first hour of being locked away inside. after four you couldn't take it anymore. calum was cooped up in the booth recording vocals and the rest of the band was wrapped up in their phones. deciding against breaking the comfortable silence they boys had created upon themselves you snuck out the door to the studio room.

       relief rushed over you the moment your feet stepped into the hallway of the busy building. making your way down the oh so familiar corridor you found the door leading to the roof patio. siting on the patio furniture you took a moment to just breath. the air so much fresher then in that stuffy room.

         the peacefulness of your surroundings distracted you so much the sound of the door of the roof opening and closing didn't resonate with you until you felt a body next to you. noticing the familiar sent you eased back into your chair as two hands rested on your shoulders.
"what cha doin out here ?" his Australian accent crept though as he sits in front of you  

"it's to stuffy in there I needed fresh air" you say "plus boys stink" a laugh leaves your mouth at your childish remark. you can see the amused expression on calums face as he laughs, his squinting in the process. you can't help but smile.

          you two sit up there for awhile telling jokes and holding hands. it's not until you finally take your eyes off the brown haired boy beside you that you notice the sun starting to set. the pastel sky behind the cheeky boys head you love so much is mesmerizing. not being able to help yourself you snap a quick picture of him laughing as he tells you yet another story about what the boys have done on this roof while recoding the first 5sos album.

        the banter slowly fades and you both just sit and take in the beautiful sky. moments later an out of breath Michael is rushing onto the roof letting calum know he's up again to record a new set of vocals. as the three of you head back into the stuffy room you look down at your new lock screen. the picture of calum and the sunset a cheeky reminder of the night you realized not even your love for sunsets surpasses the love you have for calum.

was that cheesy? I feel like that was pretty cheesy..... anyway SORRY I SUCK AT UPDATEINF BUT SCHOOLS OUT SO MAYBE ILL STOP BEING A LAZY SHIT!!! THANKS FOR 2K AGAIN ILY


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