night drive

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you tossed and turned like almost every night. sleep wasn't something that came easily to you to begin with but now it was becoming impossible. the big bed you had once shared with your warm boyfriend was now cold and lonely  and making it impossible for you to get  comfortable  and sleep.
you wanted nothing more then for him to come home from tour already and just take you for late night drives like before.

whenever you were really stressed or couldn't sleep calum would put you in the passenger seat and just drive. sometimes he's sing sometimes you'd  talk. most times however, you two would just sit in silence him rubbing your leg and you would stare out the window. eventually you'd fall asleep and he'd  turn around and head home.
now all you wanted was his warm hugs and late night drives to sleep .

after twenty minutes of trying to sleep on your own you gave up and decided to check the text you had revived a hour ago before you went to go to bed. it was from your boyfriend thankfully telling you to have a good nights rest. knowing the time zones were different and he'd still be awake you sent him a quick text telling him that your night wasn't actually good because you couldn't sleep again.

Cal :) : aww y/n/n :( i think i have something that will make you sleep good tonight....

To Cal:) : cal you're on the other side of the world

Cal:) : just open the door negative nancy

without much thought you trudged yourself down stairs to the front door or your shared apartment to see what your crazy boyfriend had at your door step. what you weren't expecting was to see your messy haired boyfriend standing at your door step with his car keys dangling in between his fingers.

"late night care ride ?" he asked with a cheeky smile.

you shook your head furiously and jumped into his arms attacking him in hugs and small pecks on the cheek.

grabbing my hand he dragged me into the car and we headed to our usual drive spot. the entire car ride he had his hand placed on my thigh and he kept checking sneaking little glances at me when he thought i wasn't looking.

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