"can we keep him"

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          adopting a dog was never calums intention. sure he loved dogs and would do anything for one, but he knew it's the last thing either him or Y/N could take care of. when he went into that pet store he had strict directions from you. get in, buy fish food, get out, no dog watching. Initially that was his plan. however, when he walked in the small pet store and saw a small puppy with the most squished up face he'd ever seen, his heart melted.
          after the war inside his head he finally asked the owner if he could pet the dog. he was then led to a separate room where he got to play with the smushy faced puppy for a solid hour. he knew he from that moment and after hearing the story of where they found the dog, he needed him.
          "How much for this one?" Calum asked crossing his fingers it wasn't anything to unreasonable. "$200 , uh sir didn't your girlfriend say and I quote NO DOGS CALUM WE CAN HARDLY TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES the other day while you were buying suckered her into buying you a fish?"

     "uhh ?psh no that's not me I don't own a fish..."
"You're holding fish food sir"

      "Ok yeah but I really want this dog and I promise I'll take care of it sir I just really need this dog" he knew he was acting like a five year old but could anyone blame him. puppy's are damn cute and he needed him.

     Reluctantly giving calum the adoption papers the owner of the pet store gave calum some puppy food and his favorite blanket before latching the leash around the pupper neck.

       "if your girlfriend kills you, dont tell her you got the puppy from me" and with that calum was out the door on his way to take his new lil pupper home.


    When you got home from work you could hear calum rambling to himself from in the living room.  "Pudgy, no, oh Um mushy, no you're a dog not mashed potatoes, think calum think, uh..."
     "Babe who are you talking to?" You asked walking into the living room afraid of what you're about to see. When you saw the small little tail and smushed in face you knew calum had cracked under pressure. "CALUM I KNEW I SHOULD OF GOT THE FISH FOOD WE CANT TAKE CARE OF A." *bark* "that was fucking adorable"
        and as quickly as you were mad, that was gone and you and calum were rolling around on the floor with you're new puppy. sure the landlords would kill you, calum will probably suffer separation  issues when he goes on tour, but for now you're idiot boyfriend had won you over with a smushy faced dog and you were happy.

     "can I call you smushy?" You asked the dog quietly. the night had settled down and the three of you were cuddled on the couch watching pets life. "smushy" calum said kissing the top of your head,"I like that"

I FUCKING LOVE DOGS. and calum I love calum a lot to.

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