come back to bed

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it as 3am when you felt the bed dipped down and spring back up into its place. this had become a usual thing for the two of you ever since he got back from tour.

jet lag had killed his sleep schedule and you were trying everything you could to help. making him tea, back massages, staying up late with him just talking.

you were running out of options. all you wanted was your happy smily cal back but with the lack of sleep all you had was a tired grumpy cal.

rolling over you could see the tired figure standing on your bedroom  balcony. after a few minutes of rubbing his face very roughly he left out a loud  sigh before sitting down on the chair. you noticed him glancing into the bedroom towards the bed so you quickly hid under the covers to look like your sleeping.

you didn't want him to know you're awake until you had an idea on how to get him back to bed.

you noticed him standing back up and just looking out at the view of the sun just starting to rise. without much thinking you warped the big fluffy comforter(duvet)  around your tiny frame along with grabbing the few bed pillow and another blanket.

carefully walking to the balcony you started setting up the makeshift balcony bed. in the process calum turned around and was watching you intently not sure what you were doing. after successfully setting up the bed you stood up and walked toward calum wrapping your arms around his toned waist tightly.

"what's all this" his tired morning voiced would whisper low in you ear. you'd just smile and whisper back "come back to bed" grabbing his hand and pulling him down into the mass of pillows and blankets.

you'd both cuddle under the blankets and you laid your head on his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist tightly.

"i love you so much baby girl thank you so much" he'd coo softly in a tired voice close to your ear and you'd just smile snuggle down a further and whisper "i love you to cal so much please get some sleep" and you'd close your eyes and bed close his.

the quite noises of 3am soothed you and you're sleepy boyfriend into a much needed slumber.

hey guys i haven't wrote an imagine in so long. I know nobody is really reading these right now but I hope one day some people will. thank you if you're reading this right now xx ~lyss

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