nap time

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"that's the last box" your boyfriend calum sighed as he brought the last box from the truck into your new shared apartment. the only thing not in a box was the two of yours bed which was just a mattress on the floor. it didn't take long for the sleepy calum to sprawl himself out on the messy mattress and start bellowing for you to come join him. unfortunately for him you were in full on house clean mode and was trying as hard as you could  to at least get the bathroom unpacked tonight.

another loud bellow was herd by  the sleepy and now grumpy as he calum marched toward the bathroom. letting out a small smile you turned to the door just as he was making his entrance. without a warning  his firm arms were slung around you waist and you were lifted off the cold tile floor of the bathroom and flung onto the soft fluffy mattress.

with in seconds of being thrown on the bed calums arms were already around your waist and his face was tucked in the crook of your neck making his tiny black hair to tickle your face and neck making little giggles erupt from you.

this nap of calums lasted longer then it should of and the bathroom ended up not getting unpacked for another two weeks same for the rest of the apartment. the next morning when i should of been angry about messing up my plans, one look down at the small boy latched around my waist made me forget everything. forget everything and all the materialistic things because all that matters and all you need is love.


thanks for reading  guys hope you enjoyed this sorry if there's and spelling errors it's really late and i was struggling to keep my eyes open the this whole thing. GOODNIGHT -lyss

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