broken bones

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           something you learned at a young age was you weren't very graceful. something as simple as walking down the street could cause you to slip or trip and be left with bruises and cuts. when calum asked you to come out an tour with him you didn't hesitate to stack up on bandages and gauze just in case. if your mom taught you anything its that you could never be to careful.

        with more then a month down of tour and only one cut and two black and blue marks you were feeling pretty confident. Calum on the other hand was just waiting for the moment you'd fall and hurt yourself. he learned early on into the relationship to never get confident in your ability to not get hurt.
         it was an hour into the boys show and you were board out of your mind. as much as you loved watching calum and the boys perform doing it every night for a month got tiring. normally you'd be side stage or in the dressing room just watching movies on your laptop but none of that seemed to interest you tonight. taking a walk down one of the corridors of the venue you noticed a row of scooters lined up against the wall. the boys had just gotten scooters to ride around back stage and outside the venues before shows (((remember when they were obsessed with those damn scooters ))) however, calum refused to let you ride one not trusting your clumsiness. realizing that calum wasn't able to stop you atm you hopped on your boyfriend scooter and rolled around up an down a few corridors.

      so far so good you thought as you kept turning corner after corner with no problem, that was until you ran over a cord leading to one of the guitar amps set up back stage and lost control. you were flung off the spotter and landed on your ankle. nothing but pure embarrassment washed over you "im Y/A years old and I just crashed a damn scooter" you mumbled out loud trying not to drawl attention to yourself to much. in an attempt to get up you put pressure on your arms and tried to push your body off the ground but the slightest movement of your ankle sent a loud groan out of your mouth. you knew at that moment you'd messed up your ankle pretty bad and calum would kill you if he found out.

      deciding to just get the lecture over with you pulled out your phone and called the boys head of security and told him which corridor you were in seconds later you were being hoisted off the ground and carried to the dressing room where a medic was waiting.
the medic had been looking at your ankle and moving it around causing tears to fall out of your eyes as you tried to hide the pain. just as you let out a hell of pain calum and the boys rounded to corner after just ending their show for the night.

     when calum saw you in tears and the medic hovering over your ankle he knew exactly what had happened. gently crouching down beside you he reached for your hand and leaned in close to your ear "I won't  yell at you because you're in pain but next time please stay off my scooter love" he whispered then kissing the top of my head. I simply just nodded my head and waited for the medic to take me to the hospital.

      a month later you were at some random hospital in some random city getting your cast taken off and a leg brace put on. calum has waited on you hand and foot the entire month you had the cast and continued to while you had the ankle brace even going as far as putting in your shoes for you each and every day. you never realized your love for this boy until he devoted his entire life to making sure you were safe. From that moment on calum watched you like a hawk and though you both knew there would be many more injury's for you in the span of your relationship you were both prepared to handle all these broken bones together.

was this good? I feel like it was shit soz fam ilysm tho thanks for reading

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