13.) Pranks and Training

194K 5.7K 609

Chases P.O.V.

I woke up to a warm body next to me. I rubbed my eyes and pulled the person closer to me. She made me feel complete. I felt as she snuggled up to me. I was still too sleepy to recall what happened last night.

I opened my eyes to see that it was Chloe! Oh My God! She felt so right in my arms. She smelled like rain and watermelon. A weird mix but smelled amazing.

It was then that I remembered last night. Chloe came in and had a bad dream. I looked over my shoulder at the clock to see that it was 5am. I had to start training her. Looking down at her I saw that she had a tear running down her cheek. I whispered in her ear

“ Chloe, Chloe you're having a bad dream.” She jumped up and looked around, snapping her head this way and that. "Shh it's okay, Chloe it's okay. I'm here, shh”

She seemed to understand what I was saying and looked at me. Confusion clear in her eyes. Than they widen, she must of forgotten coming in here last night.

I chuckled  “Come on lets get something to eat and then start some training. Okay?”  I asked. She nodded her head, following me off the bed.

I was walking down the stairs when I throw a look behind me to see that Chloe was wear a pair of short shorts and a tank top. Jerking my head away, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Mike, Matt and Luke were in there already. “Have a good sleep Chloe?” Mike asked

She blushed crimson and nodded her head and busied her making some cereal, when I made myself look busy.


Chloe's P.O.V.

“Come on Chloe! You can do it! Run a little more!”  Yelled Mike. Matt cheering me on, beside him.

I huffed, putting everything I had into the last few meters. Running as fast as I could. I had to shake my head, clear my thoughts. I would always run. Run away from the beatings when I was younger. It took me some time to realize it only made him madder.

 What I didn't tell this pack was that my parents were betas. They were important. That made them hurt me. They loved my parents.

I can't keep my head  in the past. I had to move forward.  I fell to the ground as I passed the finish line. I huffed on the ground as Mike said “ Good work! Now that we are done the warm up....”

Warm up? I am going to die......

The rest of the week they had me running 12k and then a work out in the woods.  Than another 15k. Break. Labs. 12k. Woods. 15k.

The next week I had Balance and silence with Luke. I know it sounds weird right? Well it is really helpful. I needed to learn how to be silent when in the woods. I was good at it, I was just not use to the different surroundings. The difference between needle flooring and maple leaf flooring. I learned a lot the week I had with Luke.

The last week I had Chase. It was to say the least, unusual. I had been sleeping beside Chase at night, but sometime he was working on Beta stuff so I slept with Mike or Matt. I loved being near them. They made me feel safe.

Chase had to work with me the longest. I had picked it the fighting skills quite fast but there was a lot to learn. He had me working out everywhere. If I asked for a break he would push me harder.

He had me running in human form in the woods with boxing gloves and punching the air. Ducking under tree branches. Lets just say, I have a new respect for Chase.

I had finally found a family worth fighting for.

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