Fanfic #2

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  Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ima Scarlett Pomegranate Dark Lasagna Backpack Scarystuffidk!!!!!!!!! I jumped out of bed and threw on a black tank top with a black leather jacket and black denim short shorts,with black ripped converse, then walked over to my makeup counter. I went for a natural look- a dark smokey eye that almost covered half my face, dark black lipstick, and high eyebrows. I put my red hair up into a bun. I put in my 5 skull and bones earrings on each ear. Oh my gosh I am so girly!! I zipped downstairs where my dad was reading the newspaper.
"Eat your $392,370,272,372,384 food now!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Why do you hate me??" I cried. Tears came down my face which somehow didn't ruin my makeup at all.
"Because it's a fanfiction where every dad is mean ok! So deal with it." He said.
"Oh ok that makes sense." I nodded. Suddenly I was walking down the street to meh school when big dog thing chased me!!!! This guy with black hair and BLUE orbs came up and clicked a pen but while he was doing that I touched my skull charm bracelet and it turned into a dagger and I killed the dog and then it died and this sentence is a run on so I will stop now k bai ttyl hehehe.
"We going to da camp." He said.
"OMG YEAHAHAHSSSSS THE HALF BLOOD CAMP RITE??? OMG I CANT WAIT TO SEE CHIRON OOH AND THE STABLES WHERE LEO VALDEZ I WANNA DATE HIM HE HAWT" I rambled as we traveled to camp idk how but ok. I saw Nico there and I was like OMG he cute but then I got claimed by Hades so I was like EWW. Then some redhead said :
3 half-bloods of death, machinery and Titans shall answer the call,
I am literally copying off Rick riordan- copyright goes to him
They shall defeat Kronos and Gaea because they rose together cuz they be swaggy like that
Then one of them won't mess up their hair but the other will and one won't care
Then two of them will stay together the other will go back to her native homeland forever lol
Good luck wait I'm not supposed to say that oh ok bye
Then I fainted.

I woke up and said "ok so da child of death be me,"
"I could too-" Nico said.
"Nah" I said. "Then the machinery child be Leo." He came over here and stood by me. "And da unknown... "
Suddenly Calypso fell out of the sky. "Oh Titan be you"
"K" she said. She came over to stand by us and held Leo's hand. Leo smiled at her, and kissed her.
"YOU ARE MINE LEO!!!! WHO IS THIS???" I wailed. Then we started on our quest. I stabbed Kronos and Gaea and they died hehe. My hair and makeup stayed flawless, but Calypso's got messed up, and Leo didn't care. Yay the prophecy is coming together!!! Oh noes will Leo stay with calypso or me???? Leo held Calypso's hand- and teleported her away!!
"I love you Scarlett Pomegranate Dark Lasagna Backpack Scarystuffidk!!!! Stay with me!"
"OMG yesss!!!!" We stayed together and piper fangirled about Scarleo(our ship name) Jason got together with his brick, Percy stayed with Annabeth, and Hazel and Frank were nonexistent hehe. THE END!!

That was painful... Ok next will be demigods react to this srry if this was bad, I'm still learning. Peace!
~ Aubree

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