AUs pt.2

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all right, so where did we leave off. um... oh yeah. introduce - percy's competition!

said competition include his jock best friends, or sometimes his brother, which is totally realistic

of course it's fine for Percy to call Annabeth babe, princess etc etc, but when any other guy does it HO BETTER STEP BACK

like boi do you have some kind of clearance badge or something? maybe a keycard or something

soon, a budding romance begins to develop. this will either happen way too fast or ... yeah, that's pretty much the only screw up possible

they live a good romance for a couple of chapters, until something pulls them apart.

"omg you were hugging another girl totally platonically !! we. are. over you cheating scumbag !!"
or something along those lines.

while apart, they gain new significant others like that scene in toy story where the aliens are being lifted out from the place in the arcade or something.
there's just a sea of people waiting to date them, and one lucky one will be chosen.

Percy will usually get a hot cheerleader gf (cheerleaders are the bomb tbh, i think they're freaking amazing) named Britney or something, and their relationship will basically be an episode of keeping up with the kardashians.

Annabeth may get a jock, or just an average dude. you know, the average arthur. lmao like that episode of arthur where they are giving everyone nicknames and arthur gets "average arthur". they were so savage tho wow

i'm too lazy to finish this, then they go through pictures of each other, and then reconcile and get together. (see also : we don't talk anymore music video, just change the ending)

the end

look !! who's !! back !!

your favorite lazy ass who never updates anything! this was short because i just wanted to update this and i'm tired so ye

i'm going to rewrite my flash fanfic, and probably bring it somewhere instead of abandoning it haha
~ shivy

cliche moments in pjo and hp fanficsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ