Luna Silver Moon, daughter of Artemis!11!!

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Thanks to @TheDragonPatronus for this awesome idea! I'm going to write a horrible fanfic, and then make it actually good the next chapter

Hi! I'm Luna Silver Moon! Today was just an ordinary day for me. I woke up and put on tons of silvery makeup. I changed into a silveryy dresss with heels, and strung my bow across my back. I looooved to use a bow and arrow, and the moon. I used our elevator to run down to the kitchen where my dad named Stinky Gabriel was yelling at me because every fanfic needs a horrible step dad.
"WHY U HATE ME!" I 877i$&.:@:&:&2&:9:8:&.'nzpsi$77929288hed.
I cried and went to my highschool, Goode. I met my BFFAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAE THere.
"Hi Smart Books Chase!" I said.
"Hi Luna Silver Moon!" she said.
Suddenly this cheerleader girl came up to us.
"Hi! I'm Pink Lipgloss Boys Pretty! (spoilers. not really.

not stereotyping the Aphrodite cabin, I'm Aphrodite and none of her names apply to me at all :)

I'm a cheerleader! Be my friend!" She said.
"No." I said.
"Why?" She said.
"Because." I said.
"But why?" She said.
"Because your a cheerleader and all of the cheerleaders always try to steal Percy from me." I said. (not stereotyping cheerleaders, I honestly think they are AWESOME :D)

"Aww." She said.

Suddenly a huge dog came into the halls where there were only the three of us.

Three dudes came after it and tried to kill it. One threw lightning, one lit his hands on fire ?!?!?? and one used a sword to kill it. We looked at each other and knew what we had to do.

Pink Lipgloss Boys Pretty uncapped her lipgloss and it turned into a dagger.
Smart Books Chase opened her book and it turned into a long sword.
I used my bow and arrows to kill it. Together we took it down.
"Hi, you are demigods. Come with us." The guy with the black hair and blue orbs said. We all nodded and held his hand. He transported us to this place called CHB.
Pink Lipgloss Boys Pretty skipped off while holding the lightning guy, Jason's hand. This girl named Piper started crying (it won't happen like that next chapter because Piper is too queen don't worry)

Suddenly she was claimed by Aphrodite.

Smart Books Chase grabbed the black haired guy, Percy's hand, and walked off with him. This girl with blond hair walked up to Smart Books Chase and challenged her to a duel. Annabeth tried to judo flip her, but Smart Books Chase judo flipped her and pinned her down. She ran off crying to Piper. (not how it's going to happen)

Smart Books Chase was claimed by Athena. Finally, I grabbed Leo's hand and went off. No crazy girlfriends yet.
"She's on Ogygia, but she can wait." Leo said.
I was claimed by Artemis.
Everyone gasped, because Artemis was supposed to be a maiden.
Then Artemis flew in and said "YOLO"
Chiron said "You are very special."
"Ok." I said.
Then, this redhead said a prophecy, and the six of us went on it and saved the world from Gaea and Kronos. THE END

There you have it. I shuddered throughout the whole thing. Next chapter coming soon!

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