Brason Stories

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Also please check out the collab account magpie_author  and I made - it's called @MagpieMarauder 😊 we made an AWESOME story called The Lost Princesses

Ok so I love a hilarious Brason story, but Jason would not just leave Piper for a brick.  I read this one Brason story where Conner and Travis threw a brick through his cabin window. UM HELLO?? CHB AND CJ?? 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CAMPS? People who just don't read Percy Jackson *sigh*
so most Brason stories go a little something like this -
Jason sat in the Zeus cabin, thinking about Piper, when a brick flew through his cabin window and hit him in the head. Next thing he knew, he woke up in the infirmary with PERCY AND THE STOLL TWINS (not twins *rages*)
standing over him.
"Hey bro you ok?" Percy asked.
"We are so sorry." Travis said. "We just found a brick and wanted to throw it at you."
"Where is it? The brick?" Jason demanded.
"Um in your cabin." Connor said.
"Get it! NOW!" Connor hurried off and brought back the brick. Jason stared at it. For some reason he loved the coarseness of the brick, and it's beautiful rounded edges. It was gorgeous. Connor put it in Jason's hands.
"Leave." Jason said. Percy and the Stolls slowly backed out of the room. Jason stared at the brick.
"Am I going crazy, or am I falling for you?" The brick stared back at him with a beautiful expression. Jason fell in love immediately. He lifted the brick to his lips and kissed it. "It's ok babe, I'll deal with Piper."

"Piper... We need to talk." Jason said, nervously approaching Piper. She turned around.
"Hey Jason!" She kissed him on the cheek. "What's up?" She looked so gorgeous, her CHB shirt glimmering in the sun and her feather hanging beautifully on her neck. But Pheobe was way more pretty.
"I- I've fallen for someone else." He blurted out in a quick breath. Piper looked confused, then hurt.
"Jason- I thought you loved me." She said.
"I love- I love Pheobe more."
"What? Who is Pheobe?" Piper asked.
"The- the brick that fell through my window yesterday." Piper studied him, then burst out laughing.
"Oh- oh my gods." She snorted and wheezed. She wiped a tear from her eyes. "Wow Jason, good one." Jason was confused.
"No, I am not joking. Come see her." Piper followed behind Jason, laughing. Jason had put Pheobe in a dress and applied makeup.
'We have to make sure Piper doesn't get angry.' He had told her. Jason opened the door to his cabin in CHB and showed Piper. That was the last straw. Seeing a brick in a dress. She fell to the ground, laughing and wheezing.
"Oh my gods hahaha wow ahh" she gasped. Jason looked angry.
"Piper this is my girlfriend now, not you! See!" He lifted her up and kissed her. "Piper I'm sorry, but I've moved on. Go away." Piper got struck that he was actually sirius .
"Oh my gods Jason, I'll see you when you're normal." She rolled her eyes and walked out of his cabin. Jason looked at Pheobe and grinned.
"That went better than expected."

The next few days Jason went on dates and took Pheobe places. He got weird stares when he fed Pheobe pasta, or took her to the amusement park, or lay on the beach with her - but he didn't care. (Pictures above) he loved her. Piper grew distant and jealous and started dating Percy. Annabeth cried and jumped off a cliff.
*rips out hair and dies*

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