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Hey guys, sorry this isn't an update, but I got tagged by midnight_raid I've never done this before but here we go!

1. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Haha never happened before

2. If you could see any band or singer perform, who would it be?

Hm, I already saw TSwift last August, so I would choose either Shawn Mendes or Fall Out Boy. Too hard to decide :D

3. What do you normally wear when going out?


But if its just like shopping a graphic tee shirt and shorts usually

4. Name three facts about your family.

1. I have a brother.

2. We like to take hikes.

3. My brother and I are Potterheads.

5. What's the best thing you can cook?

Sandwiches. I'm good at just putting stuff on stuff and eating it :D I'm not a good cook

6. If you could pick the appearance and gender of your kids, would you?

No. I want at least 1 girl, but I wouldn't pick appearances.

7. Would you ever get in a long distance relationship?

Probably not.

8. What's the most thoughtful gift you have ever received? 

When my friend from my old school went to Build A Bear and created an adorable bunny for me with the birth certificate and everything :)

9. What's your favorite hot drink?

I love heated milk because I don't like chocolate. (le hides under table)

10. Do you like flying on airplanes?

YESS I LOVE FLYING ON AIRPLANES! I just love doing it idk why.

11. Who was your best friend when you were 6?

Hm I would say this girl named Jordan. (all the peeps who know her don't comment anything about her)

12. What was your favorite book as a child?

The Magic Treehouse Series probably.

13. Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?

Wrap presents. I just really love to.

14. What's your favorite kind of desert?

URG so hard to choose! Either pumpkin pie or raspberry cheesecake.

15. Would you rather be hot or cold?

Cold. At least you can put more layers on or rub your hands for warmth. What are you going to do when you're hot, peel your skin off? :D

16. Do you like rain?

Meh. I don't really like the after part of being in rain (wet clothes or getting sick), but I love the sound of rain and just being in rain.

17. What movie/T.V show has made you cry?

Hm. A bunch actually. The Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2 *le tear*, Once Upon A Time, The Flash, The Fault in Our Stars, and a lot more.

Bleh that took so long. But I'm done whoo hoo! I tag :






See ya! I promise next will be an update :D


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