Chapter one:

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"I can't do this anymore" I think to myself, it hurts too much. I look at myself in the mirror and I look so tired. "Ash! Hurry up your going to be late for school" My mother yells from down stairs. "Coming" I yell back, I take one last look at myself  then grab my back pack and skate board and run out the door. The wind nips at my bare hands and the sky is mixed with beautiful colors. I throw my board down and go, sticking in my head phones to listen to my music. Before I know it, I'm at school and walking in the doors.  People crowd the halls as I walk to my locker. I walk past them like a phantom until I trip over something.  I hit the ground hard and my things scatter.  Laughter fills the air all around me; I look up and see Miss Queen Bee herself. Rebecca Jones, the most popular girl in school, is staring down at me with that cocky little smirk on her face. "You should really watch where you're going, you might just trip."  She then crouches down so her face is close to mine "Next time you scuff up my shoes I'm going to do more than just trip you."  Rebecca gets up and chuckles as she walks away while being followed by her pack of lost dogs. I roll my eyes as I sit up then I hear a voice say "Need a hand?" I look up at the face that is sticking out the hand.  "Thanks" I say as I accept his offer. His hand is soft and smooth; He gently squeezes mine as he lifts me up. "Oh here I think this belongs to you" the boy says as he hands me back my board. "Yeah thanks" "No problem I'm Ethan by the way." "Nice to meet you Ethan, I'm Ashely."   He gives me a gentle smile that shows off his perfectly white teeth. "So you skate" Ethan says, "Yeah I do hence the skate board" I say sarcastically.  Suddenly another boy walks up he looks a lot like Ethan just with lighter hair. "Hey what happened I was talking to you and I turned around just to see that you disappeared."
"Sorry dude I was helping Ashley..." "Just call me Ash" "Okay I was helping Ash pick up her things." Ethan looks from the boy to me "Ash this is my twin brother Grayson, Gray this is Ash." Grayson gives me a smile and holds his hand out for me to shake. I take it and then the bell rings. "Well thanks again Ethan" I say thankfully as I walk to class. I feel eyes on me as I walk away but I don't bother looking back. That's one thing I'm learning not to do anymore.

            The day went by quickly thankfully; when the bell rang I jumped out of my seat and nearly sprinted out the doors. That is until I heard my name being called. "Ash! Hey Ash wait up!" I stop and turn to the voice calling my name, it was Ethan and he was jogging my way. "Hey I meant to ask you earlier but I was wondering if I could have your number. You know so I can text you sometime." I feel the blush spread on to my cheeks, "Sure" I say with a gentle smile. I take out a pen and write my number down on his hand. "Thanks" he says with a chuckle "I should get going I have lacrosse practice. It was nice talking to you today." "Alright and nice talking to you too." I wave goodbye and get on my board. I feel his eyes watching me again and this time I turn around and look back. His eyes looked me up and down until he noticed me looking at him. Blush spreads on his cheeks as he bites his lip and looks down at the ground. I shrug it off and look back at the road towards home. Once I'm finally home I see a note on the counter, it's from my mom.


                        Won't be home till late tonight.


"Of course you won't be home till late because you're going to be too drunk to drive yourself home." I throw the note away and start my homework then once that's done I clean the house and order pizza since my mother has been too lazy to go to the store and get food.  I'm okay with it though because I haven't been eating much any way.  I sit on the couch and watch TV while waiting for the pizza man. "Ping" my phone screen lights, I look from the TV to my phone. A text is what I see on my screen. It reads "Hey it's Ethan." I had forgotten all about giving him my number.

Me: Oh Hi Ethan

Ethan: I told you I wanted to text you.

Me: Ha yeah I can see that

            Ethan and I text each other for three hours straight. He and I have so much in common. It's around four in the morning when my mother stumbles in the door. "Well look who it is. The little bitch is still up." She continues to call me names and spits out more insults. Her words are like venom in my blood. Tears well in my eyes as I head upstairs and sit on my bed. I will never be good enough for her. She will never accept me because I'm not like her. It's all my fault that she's all alone. I'm the reason she is this way I'm the reason she can't be happy. Tears roll down my face and I grab my blade. One Two Three, three cuts on my wrist spill blood. If I feel physical pain then it seems to lessen the mental and emotional pain.  I can't take the pain anymore, there is no more fight left in me. I have nothing.  I cry myself to sleep that night.

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