Chapter Eighteen

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  ~Ethan's POV~

        How could he my own brother, he is my best friend but I'm not so sure on that any more. How could he fall for her, my girlfriend, she's mine not his. What the hell was he thinking? These thoughts have been running through my head for the past couple of days. I am just shocked not that she isn't beautiful but how could my brother fall in love with her. I guess I'm scared. Scared to lose her, scared to lose my best friend. I know she and I started dating very soon after we met but I knew from the moment I saw her brush past me in the hall that I had to make her mine. Then when I helped her pick up her things and looked into those beautiful eyes of hers I saw my whole life in them.

     To know that my brother wants her too just angers me. The thing that scares me most is that she might love him and chose him over me. I wouldn't be able to make it if that happened. When I said I cared and I would always protect her even the first time I told her I loved her, I ment every single word. Then when I saw him staring at her watching her move during lunch today, it was like a lion watching its prey. I pulled her right up against me leaving no space between us showing him that she was taken. The other night I saw him watching her during the movie. I started to kiss her on her neck just to show that she is mine.

   Grayson is my brother I love him to death but why did he fall for her. Why Ash? Why not some other girl. No of course not it had to be my girl. I'm glad he came to me and told me though. We don't keep secrets from each other so I'm happy that he told me instead of keeping it a secret and me finding out some other way. The fight he and I had the other night was not good though in fact it's why we aren't talking to each other.


Me: "Why did it have to be her Grayson?! You can have any girl you want and you chose the one that I love?!"

Grayson: "I'm sorry Ethan it's not like I planned on falling in love with your girlfriend. You just scared that she going to leave you! I'm supprised she hasn't yet actually!"

Me: "What the hell is that supposed to mean Grey?!"

Grayson: "It means you're a dick Ethan! An ass! A jerk! How many other ways do you want me to say it?! You're just mad because she tells me everything and keeps you in the dark."

Me: "Yeah I am but I don't love her any less! She is so scared and you're over here telling me that it's all my fault. Well screw you!"

Grayson: "You know what fuck you Ethan! You are my brother, you're supposed to be my best friend! You just can't handle the fact that she would be better off with me! She would be so much happier with me and not you!"

~Flashback ends~

    When he said those things to me I felt my heart burst. How could he say those things? My thoughts where interrupted when I felt Ash squeeze my hand. "Hey you okay" she asks me in a gently tone. "Yeah I'm fine" I say with a smile trying to convince her, looks like it worked. "Oh umm okay" she says. "Why would anything be wrong?" "I don't know you just seem distant lately I was just worried if it was something I did" she says as she looks down at her feet while we walk. I pull her aside and have her stand right in front of me. "Woah woah woah, why would I be upset with you? Is there something you're not telling me Ash" I ask with a worried face. This is it this is when she is going to tell me she loves Grayson and not me. I carefully grab her chin and pull her face up so I can look into her eyes. Her eyes are filled with concern and worry, "No it's just....I'm used to getting in trouble for nothing or random things. Sorry I was just nervous." "You have nothing to be worried about. I'm not them I promise." She starts to blush and looks down slightly. I chuckle and give her a kiss on her forehead, "Now come on I don't want you to be late for class" I say in a soothing tone. I gently grab her small hand and walk her to her class. The bell rings just as I get her there, damn it. She stops and stands right in front of me and grabs both of my hands. Ash looks up at me and smiles her beautiful smile, "You better get in there" I say. "Don't worry it's not the first time I have been late for Mr. Dunham's class" she says sweetly. I chuckle and smile at her while admiring her small frame. She looked so cute today, she wore black leggings, black uggs and one of my sweatshirts which was way to big on her but she looked good in it. It looks better on her then it does on me what can I say I love it when she wears my clothes. Her long brown hair was up in a ponytail that moved when she walked. "Well I don't want you to get in trouble so you better get in there. I'll meet you back here after class" I say. "Okay you better" she chuckles. I give her a kiss and wrap her in a tight hug not wanting to let her go. I kiss the top of her head and let her go in her class. "Welcome to class Ashley, glad to see you finally decided to join us. What is the reason you are late this time" Mr.Dunham questions sternly. "Well ummm you see" she starts but I cut her off and she spins around to look at me, "It was my fault Sir" I say as I step into the door way. "I was walking her to class and well I'll be honest with you here I just couldn't resist her lips." The class starts to chuckle and Ash starts to turn bright red. "And I would have gotten her hear on time if we didn't" "Alright Mr. Dolan that is enough information thank you. I'll let it slip this time Ash and Ethan get to class." "Yes Sir" I say as I solute him and smile at Ash. She laughs and waves good bye then heads to her seat. I turn around and walk to my class trying to think of an excuse for me being late.


Sorry for not updating in a long time I have had a lot going on. I have been having some serious problems. So I tried my best on this chapter it was very hard for me to think because of everything. It's also 11:46 pm and I'm extremely tried, I haven't slept for days. Sorry if this chapter isn't good but hope you guys enjoy.

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