Chapter Twenty Seven:

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~One Week Later~

Days have passed since everything happened; I see his face everywhere I go.  I walk in the halls at school and his face is all I can see. Every time I see him it's like I can feel my heart breaking all over again. I can't take this pain any more it hurts way too much. I guess there is a bright side though, graduation is in a couple of days and I will be leaving. The college nearby has accepted me so I will be going there. I already found an apartment to live in not that far from campus so I won't have to live with my mother any longer, and so I won't have to see....him.


~Ethan's POV~


Seeing her in the halls just kills me now, I want to tell her how sorry I am and how much she means to me. It's like every time I see her I see just how hurt and broken she is. I read her note the next morning after everything went down. Let's just say that I haven't felt that much pain and cried that hard in a long time. To make matters worse Grayson and I haven't spoke since that day. I'm hoping that we can fix the damage that has been done to our relationship before graduation. Maybe I could talk to him when I get home. What would I say to him though? Do I start by apologizing? I'm brought back to reality when the sound of the bell rings letting us go to fourth period. I get up from my seat and walk out of the class room. Then I see her. She walks alone in the halls now, she just looks broken. Ash looks like she hasn't slept in days and I'm not sure if I see bruises or not. Then out of nowhere she looks at me and it's like I feel my heart skip a beat at that moment.  I look into her beautiful eyes then down at her arms. There were in fact bruises on them and I think a couple cuts but I'm not sure. She catches me looking at her arms and pulls down her sleeves. Her eyes dart down to the floor and she leaves without even giving me a second glance.

~Ash's POV~


I sprint to the bathroom after seeing his face, the tears are rolling down my as I clench my books tightly to my chest and push past the others in the hall. Once in the bathroom I look into the mirror and I see that my face is red and my cheeks are tear stained. I cover my face with my hands and just quietly cry. Suddenly my phone buzzes making me jump; I sort through my backpack for my phone and eventually grab it.  There is a text that appears on my screen and all I can do is gasp. I look away in disbelief but then look back at it, on my screen it reads that the text is from Grayson.

I continue to just stare at the screen as I gently place my hand over my mouth. After everything that's happened he wants to text me. Anger bubbles up from inside me and tears well back up in my eyes. How could he have the audacity to text me right now? He is the reason why Ethan broke up. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear Ethan's words echo through my mind. I just shake my head and finally decide to read the text.


Grayson: Hey can we talk after school?

Me: Why? You already broke me and Ethan up. What more could you possibly want Grayson?

Grayson: I know I deserved that but please meet me after school to talk. Please Ash I'm begging you.


Grayson: Thank you, meet me at the park

I don't even bother responding after that, I can't believe I actually agreed to meet him after what he did. Slowly I let go of the breath I was holding and exit the bathroom. Sadly the halls are what I fear the most now. I don't want to see him but I always seem to find him no matter what. Now that he isn't by my side the halls are a lonely place.

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