Chapter Nine:

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Birds chirp and sing as the sun is cast over my body when I wake up, but I wake up all alone. There is no noise in the house so I get curious, I pull on a pair of shorts and walk down stairs in search of the boys. They sit in the kitchen while eating in silence which isn't normal for the boys. I slowly walk in and both boys stand up from the table "Um good morning boys." "Morning Ash" says Grayson in his sleepy voice, "Morning baby girl" Ethan says as he walks toward me wrapping me in a hug while kissing my forehead. I close my eyes and take in his scent as he holds me. "Why didn't you wake me" I ask as I look up at his eyes, "You needed your rest and you just looked so beautiful and peaceful I didn't want to disturb you." I just nod and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. "Aren't you going to eat anything" Grayson asks me "No I'm fine with just the water" I say as I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Boys! I'm leaving" I yell to them suddenly I hear their feet running down the stairs. "What! Where are you going" Ethan questions his voice filled with panic. Both of them had a concerned looks on their faces, their eyes wide and filled with worry. "Um I'm going to the store to pick up some things." "Let Grayson do it...please babe just stay home." "Relax babe I'll be okay." Their expressions haven't changed "Would you guys feel better if you two come with me" I ask them both. "Yes" they both say at the same time, they turn and look at each other which make me laugh. "Well come on then" I say as I grab my keys and walk toward the door. The scramble after me and I just chuckle and open up the door and head to my car.

Grayson carries the basket filled with little things like milk, eggs, bread, and flour as I grab some fruit and add them to our items. "So Ash can I ask you something" Grayson ask with nervousness in his voice. "Of course Gray U know you can always come and talk to me" I say as I look at peanut butter. "How come your brother was the favorite" he asks softly. I stop what I was doing and looking both ways to make sure Ethan wasn't around then I turn and face him. "Um well he was the oldest... he was everything my mother wanted, I wasn't. He was smarter and faster and all around better than me in every way. My dad's the one who wanted me but eventually he forgot about me too. Derek was there for my mother when we got the news about my father. She just had this special bond with him I...I mean they did everything together when he was younger. So I guess that's why she liked him so much more because he was everything she could have ever wanted and I...wasn't." Grayson just looked at me with sadness in his eyes "I'm sorry Ash I shouldn't have asked." "No its fine you asked me and I wanted to be honest with you. Could you do me a favor though and not say anything to Ethan it's just I have never told anyone that and I would just like to tell him on my own when I'm ready." He just nods and wraps me in a warm hug; we separate just as Ethan turns around the corner. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me from behind. I look up at him and give him a peck on his lips, we then walk to the checkout line. We stand in silence for a little bit when I hear a small voice speak from behind us. "Mommy why does that girl have so many scars on her arms" the little girl asks. The mother notices me looking at them "I'm so sorry" the women says to me. I just give a small smile and look down at the ground as I pull my sleeves down to cover my arms. Ethan seems to notice the change in my body language and pulls me into him as Grayson hands the cashier the money. As we walk out of the doors I feel a tug on my sleeve, "Excuse me miss but why do you have so many scars on your arms" the little girl asks me. "Emma! What did I tell you" says the girl's mother. "I'm so sorry" she starts "Hum its okay" I say with a small smile as I turn and look at the little girl. I crouch down so I'm eye level to her and say "They are from bad things that happened to me and if you ever see anyone one with scars like mine then you should run up and give them a hug and tell them that everything is going to be okay." I look at her and give her a smile she smiles back at me and then she surprised me. Before I could stand up she wraps her tiny little arms around my neck and says "Don't worry everything is going to be okay." She lets go of me and I look at her mom, her mother has a surprised look on her face and mouths the words thank you. The two of them wave good bye and walk away, I turn to the boys and they both have big smiles on their faces. Ethan walks toward me and puts his hands on my waist and says "That was really sweet of you, you know that." "Yeah Ash that was amazing" says Grayson. "Thanks guys" I say as I look down at my feet, Ethan gently grabs my chin and pulls my face back up to look at his. "Did you really mean what you told her?" "I meant every word" I say looking deep into his eyes. He then gently pulls my face close to his as he rest his forehead on mine for a couple seconds then presses his lips to mine.

Sorry this is short and probably crap but it's a filler chapter so ya please let me know what u guys think 😊

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