Chapter Twenty

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~Ash POV~

      Class was so boring today, I just sat in the back and laid my head on my desk. I just couldn't focus on class with what's going on with the boys. I'm in my own thoughts when the bell rings and I get up from my seat heading toward the door. Someone grabs my wrist as I walk out the door. A small amount of pain spreads through my wrist as I turn to see Ethan. He pulls me into his chest and holds me in a hug. "How was class" asks Ethan, "It was so boring, how was yours?" "Same as yours boring as hell but I was able to stay entertained." "Oh really and how did you manage to do that" I ask leaning resting my forehead on his chest. "Simple I just thought of you the whole time. Looking at the clock was agonizing though, it moved so slow but it ment that I was a minute closer to seeing you." I blush at his remark and give him a peck on his lips. Suddenly my phone chimes signaling me that I have got a text.

       I look at the screen in disbelief, my eyes grew wide when I saw the name and Ethan must have noticed. "Who is it Ash" he asks me "It's umm Grayson" I say quietly. I look up from my screen and up at Ethan's face. His jaw clenches and his entire body tenses when I tell him. Butterflies appear in my stomach and I look back down at my phone. I read the text to find out that Grayson wants a ride back home from school since I'm staying behind and he has detention. I tell him yes and look back up at Ethan his posture hasn't changed. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that it was from Grayson. I don't want Ethan to get even more uncomfortable then he already is so I decide not the tell him what Grayson said. He snakes his arm around my waist and we walked down the hall to our next class together. 

~Skip to after their last class~ 

~Grayson's POV~

         I sit in the dead silence just thinking about her, I watch the clock and think how I'm going to be able to see her in 10min. I check my phone scroll over her contacted just looking at her picture. God she was so beautiful I just wanted her so bad and pretty soon I will be able to have her. I know for a fact that she didn't tell Ethan that she was taking me home today. He would have confronted me earlier if he knew. Ash obviously knows there is something going on between us and she is trying to avoid the fighting. I don't blame her really Ethan and I never fight but when we do it gets really bad.

   "You're free to go Grayson" says my teacher not bothering to look up from her book. Looks like she is reading some romance novel, I roll my eyes and exit the class heading straight for the music room. Ash told me she would be in there if she wasn't waiting outside the room for me. Suddenly my ears are greeted by this beautiful sound coming from down the hall. The closer I get the clearer I can hear the voice. It sounds amazing with the guitar being played. I take a peek in the room and see Ash sitting there with her guitar strumming away and singing along to a song. My jaw drops as I listen to her sweet voice. Once she stops I walk into the room and start to clap my hands making her jump.

~Ash's POV~ 

    I jump at the sudden sound of clapping and look to see Grayson standing there with a big grin on his face. "Damn Grey you scared me" I say as I look at him. He walks over to where I was sitting and says "I had no idea you could sing like that. How come you never showed us." "Because I don't like to show people now can we please get going." I say as I put the guitar back in its case. He nods his head as I grab my things and we walk toward the door.

~Skip to the drive home~

    "So what did you do to get a detention" I ask him breaking the silence. "I wasn't paying attention in class and my teacher got mad." I nod my head and continue to drive until we pull up to a red light. My stomach starts to growl signaling how hungry I am considering I decided to not eat lunch today. Grayson seems to notice the sound and chuckles, "Want to pick up some food before we go home" I ask him. "Sure why not" he says as he looks over at me and smiles. I smile and drive off when the light turns green. I honestly thought taking Grayson home was going to be weird since we haven't talked in a while, but it's actually not that bad. It's like I have my friend back, I have the old Grayson back.

    After we got our food and started back off for home the ride was a more comfortable one. We talked and laughed the whole way home, he even sang along to the songs that came on the radio he was off key of course but he was making me laugh. I pull into the driveway and get out of my car being sure to lock it after I grabbed my things and Grayson got out. We start to walk up the walk way when the door swings open and Ethan appears. He runs to me and wraps me in his arms. "Where have you been" he asks with a shaking voice "I was so worried that something happened to you." "I'm okay Eth don't worry" I say as I pull away from him "I just drove Grayson home and we went and got something to eat. I brought you some food too." I look deep into his eyes looking for any sort of emotion. Anger fills his eyes and his jaw clenches as he looks at his brother. I look back at Grayson to see that he has a smirk on his face. I just brush it off and Ethan wraps his arm around my waist and we walk into the house with Grayson trailing behind.

    ~Grayson's POV~

        We laugh and sing most of the way home till we pull into the driveway. Then my body language completely changed. Instead of feeling worry I feel excitement and happiness when we pull in. I can't wait to see the look on Ethan's face when we walk in today. Once we start walking up the walk way the door opens. Ethan bolts from the door way and heads straight for Ash, he wraps her in a hug and I feel jealousy bubble up inside me. They talk and I try to listen but Ethan keeps it quit. Then he looks up from her sweet face and glares at me, fury filling his eyes and his jaw clenches. I just can't help but smirk at him and by doing this makes his jaw clench even tighter. I am feeling great right now even being under his gaze. I have won this round.

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