Chapter Fifteen:

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Only a day has passed since I came home from the hospital and I just feel so tired. All I did today was sleep and now it's already 5pm. I decide to just sit on the couch and watch something with the boys. They have been keeping a real close eye on me to make sure I don't do anything stupid. They are just scared and honestly I don't blame them for it, I mean what I did would scare any one. We just sit and watch some scary movie that the boys picked out and of course jump. I jump so bad that I end up hitting my arms on something and this intense pain just follows through my body. "Ow" I scream out in pain, "Awe babe are you okay" Ethan asks while trying to help me.  I shake my head no as I double over in pain; he carefully takes my arms and kisses the bandages. "There do the feel better now" he says in a husky tone. I nod and bite my lip while trying not to blush and failing miserably.

He then leans in a starts to kiss my neck even with Grayson right there. I watch him and how his jaw clenches. He stares at us and that's when Ethan stops and looks Grayson dead in the eyes. Ethan doesn't say a word but I watch how he tenses up and how his jaw clenches and with that Grayson looks back at the tv almost like nothing ever happened. I don't understand what has gotten into them but I don't like it. Unfortunately now is not the time to deal with it though. "Hey Eth can I talk to you upstairs please" "Of course babe" and with that he gets up and grabs my hand. He manages to give Gray the look of death as we pass but I brush it off and continue to go with Ethan.

"So what did you want to talk to me about" Ethan says casually as he sits on the bed. I close and lock the door then turn and lean on it before I let a word slip out of my lips. "Um I know you were upset about me not telling you information and I wanted to explain my reason why." He gives me a simple nod telling me to continue, "Well honestly I don't want you to know in general because my past, my scary and I don't want to scare you away. I'm worried that you boys will end up just like me. That's why I did what I did." He just looks at the ground, his face showing no emotion. "Hell I didn't even want to tell Gray but he made me do it." Ethan's head shoots up and his eyes show anger, "You don't have to worry Eth it was only about my mom and my brother. I...I...I would have told you about it but I don't like talking about that kind of stuff and I didn't want to be a burden" I say as I look at my bare feet. He doesn't speak for several minutes and neither do I. I close my eyes and focus on not crying, when I open them I see him standing right in front of me. "You would never be a burden" he says as he gently pulls my chin up. "Are you mad that I didn't tell you?" "No I could never stay mad at you" he pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist giving me a small squeeze.

We separate and head to bed; I just lay there looking up at the ceiling and think. Tomorrow is the first day I will be going to school since I got back and I'm terrified. I don't want to hear what the kids have to say. I just hope I can walk through the hallways like the ghost I am and just be left alone. I'm praying that Rebecca won't be there but I know she will be, I don't even know why she hates me. I know one reason is because I have Ethan, I can tell by the jealousy I saw in her eyes. She wants him to be hers so badly and she can't stand the fact that he is with me.

These thoughts go through my mind for a while, I need some sleep though. I try to focus on Ethan's gently snores and how slowly he is breathing by how his chest moves. Nothing is working so I just lay on my back in silence. "Stop it" Ethan says in his sleepy voice, "Stop what" I ask in confusion. "Stop worrying" he says, "I'm not worrying" I tell him. "Yes you are don't lie Ash." "How do you know that I'm worrying if your eyes are closed" I question, "You think I need to look at you with my eyes open to know that you are worrying" he states. He pulls me close to him so that I'm facing him and his eyes flutter open. "You don't need to worry I'm right here and I'll always be here" he whispers. Ethan then wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead; I snuggle into his chest and just relax. After a couple minutes Ethan is fast asleep and I start to drift off to his gentle snores.

I wake to the sound of Ethan's alarm going off on his phone. He gently places a kiss on my lips and says "Time to wake up baby girl." "5 more minutes please Eth" I say as sweetly as possible. "Come on wake up or I'm going to make you." "Oh yeah and how are you going to do that." Suddenly I'm being tickled and trying to get out of his grasps but I can't he is gently pinning my hips down with his weight. I can't help but laugh and say "Okay you win, you win." He laughs at me and gives me a peck on the lips before getting off of me and heading into the bathroom.

We get changed and Ethan helps me change my bandages before we walk down stairs for breakfast. Grayson is already down stairs and eating some cereal when we get down there. He is unusually quite this morning, "Morning Gray" I say kindly "Morning Ash." That's weird he didn't even look at me he just stayed focused on his food and phone. "How did you sleep last night" I ask him. "I slept great how about you" he says still not looking at me, "Okay" I say and just leave it at that. I walk over to Ethan who hands me a bottle of water and my pills. I'm about to walk away when I hear him say "You forgot something." I roll my eyes and turn back around and grab the bowl of cereal plus a plate of toast with grape jelly on it. "I'm not letting you skip anymore meals. You need to get back to a healthy weight and I'm going to make sure you do." I give him a small smile and a kiss on the cheek before I go and sit across from Grayson.

He doesn't even give me a single glance; I can handle this from the kids at school but not Grayson. I let out a sigh and start to eat my food as Ethan joins me. Now that I think about it Ethan hasn't said anything to Grayson at all this morning, they haven't even looked at each other. What the hell is going on with them? I let it go and continued to do what I was doing. After we were all finished we locked up the house and went out to the cars. Grayson got in his while Ethan and I got into his. Now I know something is going on with these two, they always drive to school together. What the hell is going on here?

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