Chapter Eight

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I wake with a start when I feel someone shaking me, "Sorry Ash I didn't mean to scare you...umm... we are back." I nod slowly and pull my hair up as I stretch. "What happened to your neck" asks Grayson. I hear the concern in his voice "Oh umm nothing Gray I uh...just slept on it wrong. It's really nothing to worry about" I say nervously and I quickly get out of the car, following Grey to the door.

He opens the door and the first thing I here is Ethan, "Did you find her?!" There is panic, fear, worry and concern all in his voice. Grayson moves aside and I peek out from behind him I see Ethan's body immediately relax as we walk toward each other. He embraces me in a warm hug; I wrap my small arms around him and bury my face in his chest as he holds me so tight I thought he would break me. I feel him rest his cheek on the top of my head as he speaks "God you had me worried sick" he says as he holds me tighter and closer. "I know I know I should have told you. I'm so sorry Ethan please forgives me" I say with a shaky voice. "Don't worry you're back home where I know you are safe." His voice has become more soothing and relaxed while his breathing as slowed to a steady rhythm. "Where did you find her" he asks Grayson "She was at the beach" says Greyson. "Why didn't you call me" Ethan asks with irritation in his voice, his body tenses and tights even more around me but I don't mind. "Calm down Eth my phone died otherwise I would have called you." No one spoke for a little bit until I hear Ethan's voice. "Thank you for bringing her back safe and sound Gray" says Ethan, Grayson just nods his head then walks up to us. "It's good to have you back home Ash" he says as he joins in on the hug but only for a minute then he leaves. Ethan finally let's go of me and looks me dead in my eyes which makes me nervous. "Come on we need to talk" he says as he takes my hand and leads me upstairs to his room.

I sit on his bed while he closes and locks the door it's what he does next that makes me nervous. Without a word he just turns around and leans his back against the door and just watches me for a couple minutes. "What the hell happened Ash? Why did you run away?" His voice wasn't angry or sympathetic it was just...calm. I didn't answer him I just remained silent, "Come on baby girl you can tell me." "I...I didn't want to face you" I say as I look down at my feet "I couldn't face you after what happened." His face shows worry and concern when I peek at it. "My mom and I got into a really bad fight and I was too afraid for you to see u after that's why I ran." "Ash you should know by now that you can come to me about anything" says Ethan irritation clear in his voice. "I don't care how bad it is you can always come to me!" "I was scared Ethan! I already feel bad enough that I drug you and Grey into this life!" "It doesn't matter Ash! God Damn it you should know better! And then running away and ignoring my calls and text! You know you had Grayson and I worried sick!" "I'm sorry Ethan! I just wanted" "To what Ash!" "To be with my brother! He was the only person I could go to with stuff like this and now he's gone!" My voice starts to shake and I can feel hot tears well in my eyes. "I'm sorry that I can't have your guy's life. I don't have the luxury to live on my own or to do whatever I want!" I pause to try and hold back my tears while Ethan remains silent. "Do you know what my mother said to me?! She told me that she wishes it was me in that car and not her favorite child. She told me how much she hates me and wishes I was never born!" At this point the tears are rolling down my face like rain on glass. "Do you know what that's like Ethan?! Do you! Or do you know what it's like to have a drunken mother who blames you for everything and beats you! Do you have a mother that would ever do this to you" I yell as I pull my hair away from my neck to reveal the multiple bruises she gave me. I watch as Ethan clenches his jaw and swallows hard making his Adams apple bob up and down. I let my hair go and say "I have been so lost and scared that I don't know who to turn to. I feel so alone." The tears come faster as I start to sob; I cross my arms over my stomach and look down at the ground. Then I feel two strong arms wrap around me and pull me close. I cry into the crook of Ethan's neck as he rubs my back. "I'm so sorry Ash. I...I had no idea. I'm so sorry." 

He picks me up bridal style and carries me over to the bed; he sits down then sits me on his lap. My head hasn't left his neck and his grip is still firm on my body. He then gently moved my hair from my neck and looked at my bruises. Ethan gently runs his fingers over them causing me to flinch and whimper in pain. "I'm sorry baby girl I didn't mean to hurt you" he says in a calm soothing tone. "Its fine don't worry about it" I say a lot calmer then I was. The tears have stopped and my breathing has slowed back to a normal pace. "I'm also sorry for yelling at you Ash. Will you please tell me what happened?" "I umm started to talk to her and she got upset. She then attacked me... I was able to get her off of me and then I ran." I look at him and he just nods his head, "well its really late we should go to bed especially you. You need your rest" he says sweetly. Without a word I got off of his lap and grabbed a tank top then went into the bathroom to change. Ethan just stairs at me when I walk out, "What you have never seen a girl wear a tank top and her underwear to bed before?" "Not any one as beautiful as you" he says with a smile. I blush and try to cover it with a chuckle but of course he notices. I walk over to the bed and climb in, the sheets are so soft. They wrap me in warmth and comfort suddenly I feel strong arms wrap around my torso. One wrapped around my stomach the other around my hips. Ethan gently lays his head on top of mine and pulls my body into his so my back is on his abs. "You know Ash I'm so grateful that you are back where you belong and that's nice and safe in my arms." He slowly pulls my chin so he can look at my face and ever so gently kisses my lips. After we separate he wraps his arm back around me and gently lays his head back on mine and I start to drift off to sleep. It seems easier for me to fall asleep tonight most likely it's because i'm back home where I am safe and sound in Ethan's arms.

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