Chapter Twenty Five:

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~Ethan's POV~

       Ash is fast asleep on my chest when I hear the door swing open. I look up to see Grayson walking through the door with his backpack slung over his shoulder. He is soaked from head to toe. I guess it must have been raining really hard. His dirty blond hair was draped across his forehead and water droplets fell from the tips. I laughed as he walked in the door, "Not funny dude" says Gray. "Whatever you say Gray. So how was school?" "It was alright, speaking of school how come you weren't there?" "Ash and I stayed home and just hung out today, we went to the beach and then it started storming so we came home. Then we watched a movie but she fell asleep so try to be somewhat quite."

      Gray just nods his head and walks into the kitchen to get food. Suddenly I feel Ash move on top of me and her grip tighten around me. I chuckle a little as I carefully wrap my arm around her. She remains asleep and starts to relax again, and then Grayson walks and gives me a weird look. "What" I ask, "Why is one of the drawers locked in the kitchen?" "Because I locked it." "Well no shit I know that. I'm asking why, we never locked them before." "Oh I stole all of Ash's blades and locked them in that drawer. I was way too scared to have them scattered around in her secret places especially after what happened." His face sunk at the memory of Ash being in the hospital. It really scared the both of us I mean it was scare the hell out of any one.

~Flash back~

        I remember seeing her run from the building; I was walking down the hall with Grey and a couple of our friends from the team. Normally I would walk with Ash but I was still pretty hurt and upset by what she did. I wasn't trying to ignore her but I was afraid that I would say something that I didn't mean. Then I hear this loud voice and when I look over I see Rebecca talking to Ash. Rebecca had Ash surrounded; she was too close to her that Ash's back was pressed against the lockers. I couldn't hear what was being said but I knew I needed to help Ash. As I started walking that way I see Ash push past the girls and sprint out of the building. I followed her and watched as she started her car and left.

      At this point I was very nervous, I didn't want her to get in a accident so I hoped into my car and went after her. I tried tailing her but there was so much traffic and tons of cops out. Eventually I see her car parked in the drive way by the time I get home. I don't even bother turning off my car and I sprint inside. "Ash" I question as I burst through the door, there is no response. At this point I know something is severely wrong so I bolt up the stairs. Frantically I check all the bedrooms but she is not there then I remember the bathroom in my room, that's the only place left to check. I run to my room and head straight for the bathroom, once I get there I turn the knob to get in only to find out that its locked. I back up and try breaking down the door. I kick it three times and thankfully the third time is the charm. The sight in front of me horrifies me, there lays my beautiful girlfriend in a pool of her own blood lifeless. "Ash" I scream as I run to her side and pull her into my arms. "Hold on baby girl. Please just hold on." I quickly pull out my phone and dial 911.

  Operator: "911 what's your emergency?"

Me: "Please send some help, I found my girlfriend in the bathroom with her wrist slashed. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is very shallow."

Operator: "Help is on the way."

I talk to the Operator for a couple more seconds and then end the call. Her lifeless body is still cradled in my arms. I pull her into my chest as I dial one more number, Grayson's. Thankfully he picks up and I tell him what's happening and that he needs to leave right now. I hear the panic in his voice and that's when reality hits me like a train.

     Eventually the ambulance shows up and they put Ash on the stretcher. Grayson shows up a couple seconds after they do and he runs to my side. I look down at my grey shirt and see it soaked in blood. My hands are covered in her blood and along with my jeans but none of that matters to me. As they take her to the ambulance I feel my eyes water and the tears falling down on to my cheeks. Gray must have seen because without a word he grabs me and warps me in a hug as I cry into him. Once we arrive at the hospital we sit and wait for the doctors. Gray calls our parents and they talk to us over the phone but that doesn't really seem to make me feel better.

      After what feels like hours the doctor comes out of the room. He has the look of sadness on his face when he looks at me. I feel my heart stop as I slowly stand to meet the doctor's gaze. He tells me the news and I fall to my knees, she's alright, she's alive. Tears stream down my face as I hide it with my hands. I thought I had lost her, Gray pulls me to my feet and we walk to her room.

~End of Flash Back~

      That's why I have the drawer locked because I'm afraid that one day something is going to push her over the edge and by the time one of us gets to her it will be too late." Gray just simply nods his head as he walks back into the kitchen. She begins to move and stir in her sleep, I just look down and smile at her. I gently stroke her hair then lay my head back and drift off into a deep sleep thankful that I'm still holding her.

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