Chapter Seventeen

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I pop out from behind Ethan and look her in her beady dead eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you" I scream. "Why do you hate me so much! You don't even know me so why do you do this to me. Why do you have to be such a bitch!" The whole crowd gasps and Rebecca stairs daggers at me. "Huh what did you just call me" she spits, "What are you hard of hearing now. I said why are you such a bitch." She leans back in surprise, "You know I really don't understand you Rebecca. You don't know what people go through in their life. How would you feel if someone called you fat, stupid and ugly?" Rebecca just looks down at the ground with no expression on her face.

"You would feel really shitty wouldn't you" I say with a softer voice "So you really think it's a good idea to do the same thing to others. Do you have any idea what it's like to lose someone you care about? Or have any idea what it's like to want to kill yourself?" She crosses her arms over her chest and finally looks up at me. "You made me dread everything I did, I felt as if I did something you would know and make fun of me for it. My life sucked so much because of you. I dreaded waking up in the morning or even getting out of bed and then I met these two amazing guys and...they showed me how to find the light in the dark" I say as I turn and look back at the boys while smiling. Both Ethan and Grayson give shy smiles as the look at me.

"I'm glad to say that I am no longer afraid of you Rebecca. I don't give a shit what you say about me or what you do to me, but going after my boyfriend is where I draw the line. So you can go suck it Rebecca." The crowd shouts as I turn back to Ethan, Rebecca's jaw drops to the floor. I can't help but smile as I grab Ethan and Grayson's hands and lead them out of the crowd and to lunch.

The boys and I sit together at lunch and I have to say I feel great; I'm no longer scared of Rebecca and her puppy pack. Sadly the boys still are not speaking in fact they haven't even looked at each other this whole time. I just sigh and roll my eyes but they don't notice, Ethan is talking to one of his friends across from him while Grayson talks to someone else. That's when out of the blue Gray looks at me; it was the first time today that he even glanced at me today. Ethan tightens his grip around my waist and pulls me closer to him. There is little to no space between us and Grayson notices. He just turns back to his conversation like nothing ever happened.  Maybe that's just what it was...nothing.
Sorry this was such a short chapter. The next one will be longer.

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