Chapter Thirteen:

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Beeping sounds pull me out of my sleep and I wake in a place that I don't recognize. I look around and see a heart monitor and other machines attached to me. I continue to look around and see Grayson asleep in a chair and Ethan laying his head on my bed fast asleep. Then I feel this tightness on my arms. Bandages cover both of my wrist and all the memories come flooding back to me. Then a voice pulls me out of my thoughts, "Hey you're awake" says Ethan. I don't say a word I just give him a simple nod and look down at my hands.  He gently grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "Thank god you are okay baby" he says standing up and kissing my forehead. "How did I get here" I asked him, "I saw you and Rebecca and when I went to confront her when you took off. So I followed you and thank god I did. Ash...I found you upstairs in the bathroom bleeding from your wrist. You were in a pool of your own blood" his voice was starting to crack and become shaky. "I thought I lost you" he says as tears start to run down his face. I have never seen him cry and seeing him cry now breaks my heart.

"How long have I been here" I ask him, "Two days Gray and I have not left your side. We both wanted to be here when you woke up. The doctor said that when you were feeling better we could take you home. He also said that I was lucky to have gotten to you when I did...your cuts were so deep. I'm...I'm just glad you're okay now." He gets up and sits on the side of my bed, with one hand I grab his and with the other I wipe away his tears. "I'm so sorry Ethan for everything, for not telling you things, for fighting with you, and for doing this." I feel the warm tears slide down my face as he speaks. "Shhh its okay we will talk about this when you are feeling better, for now let's get some food in your system" he says in his soothing tone.

Gray eventually wakes up and gives me a hug, we talk for a while and then he leaves to get Eth and I food. We just sat and watched tv until the doctor came in, "Well I'm glad to see that you are awake. You were lucky to have come in when you did."  After that I didn't listen to a thing he said I didn't want to. I just wanted to go home and I'm making sure that I do.

Eventually I feel sleep beckoning for me so I lay back and try to sleep but with no luck. "Whats wrong babe" Ethan asks, "Nothing I just can't sleep." Ethan just gives me a small smile and climbs into my bed. He holds me close and tight as I lay my head on his chest. I listen to his steady heartbeat as I start to drift off. I snuggle closer to him and within a couple seconds I'm fast asleep.

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