Happy Anniversary! (Hyungwon)

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Happy New Year Guys! I wish my writing will be better this year! I hope you guys will achieve what you want too! Much love from me! <3

"Mel." Hyungwon called you. "Hmm?" You were busy with your assignment. "Babe." "Yes oppa?" You answered him sleepily. It was morning but you were so sleepy since you stayed up late yesterday. Hyungwon sighed softly before wrapping his arms around your body and rested his face on your neck. "You look super tired babe, can you stop for a little?" He said. "No, oppa. I have to get this done by Thursday." It's currently Tuesday. Which means you have a day to go. You're almost done. "But your health matters too, I can't imagine you getting sick." He pouted. You chuckled softly before turning your head and pecked his cheek.

You know how much he wants to go out on a date but he doesn't say it to you. He knows you're workaholic but he still loves you just the way you are. "Okay oppa, I'll take a break." You put your computer on sleep before standing up from your chair and stretched. "Let's go get some air." He said while smiling widely. "Okay, but let me change first." You smiled looking at him. He looks like an excited kid. You quickly took a shower and changed into a blue dress with floral prints. You put on a light makeup before going out to Hyungwon. He was wearing a blue short pants and white shirt. "You look so charming." You said before sitting down on the stool to wear your shoes. "Thank you, girlfriend. I don't have to say it. You look dead gorgeous." He winked before replying and taking his keys. "Let's go." He took your hand and interlocked it with yours. You followed him to the car and he opened the door for you. You went inside and fasten your seatbelt. He went to the driver's seat and got in. "Are we going to the usual place?" You asked. "We'll find out soon." He said before looking at you while flashing a wicked smile. "You know I have a love hate relationship with surprises." You pouted hoping that he would tell you. "Uhm, No. I can't tell you yet so don't even try babe." He started driving to who knows where.

You didn't realize how long he was driving because you fell asleep. You woke up and the sun is gone. "You're awake." You heard Hyungwon's voice. You were on a bed and he was beside you. You're still in your dress. "Where are we? What is this place?" You sit up and look around. "Go wash your face. I'll tell you later. You can use everything in the bathroom and on the dressing table. It's all yours. I'll wait for you outside okay?" He ruffled your hair softly before making his way to the door. The room was big enough for you to run around without hitting the walls. You quickly went to the bathroom and washed your face. There was a lot of make up and skincare organized at the dressing table. They all look new and untouched. You put on the ones you usually use before going out to hyungwon. He wasn't in the living room. "Babe, here!" He shouted slightly. You turned your head only to be welcomed by your boyfriend in the garden. You went over to him. "A candlelight dinner?" You asked. "Mhm, I just thought you need a break from all the work." He chuckled sheepishly. "Sit down." He said before pulling the chair slightly for you. "Thank you." You said before smiling. "When did you plan all this? I'm seriously speechless." You said. "Uhm, when you were sleeping in the car?" You just stared at him feeling so blessed. "Don't worry, you can stare at me all night later. Eat your dinner first?" He winked at you. You shook your head while chuckling. You both were eating when you hear a familiar music played. You look at your left and there was a screen playing all the memories you had with Hyungwon. From the day you met him, he likes to take pictures of you. There was a picture of you sleeping soundly. There was also a picture of you playing with puppies. There's a picture of you both on a roller coaster with the funniest face. At last there were a video of Hyungwon.

"Hey babe! Uh, Happy Anniversary! It's been two years since we've been together! Where do I start? I feel in love with you since the day I saw you at the puppies cafe. You change me into a better person. I love you so much, Mellissa. I hope we could go further and I'm really looking forward to achieve my life goals with you. Again, I love you so much." Your tears flowed down like Niagara falls. You were so speechless. He wiped your tears and just smiled before taking out his phone and quickly snapped a picture of you. "Hey!" You whined slightly. He stood up and gave you the tightest hug. "We're gonna spend a week here together. It's a present and you can't say no okay?" You buried your face against his chest. "I guess my assignment could wait." You chuckled and he did too.

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