Meeting his parents. (Shownu)

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"Red or peach?" You looked at your boyfriend who's busy tying his shoelaces. "Why bother wearing lipstick when I'm gonna ruin it? Anyway, red will make you look so sexy that I can't take my eyes of you. I'm sure we don't wanna mess your beautiful make up in the car so let's go with peach." He gave you a quick peck. You hit his chest and he made a painful expression. "Tch. You're always making fun of me." He shakes his head. "I'm not though. I meant everything I say, Adeline." You swore that he could actually kill you by giving you a heart attack caused by his cuteness or cheesiness. By the time you were done with your lipstick, Shownu was already at the door. He handed out his hand for you to hold, you both made your way to his car. Being the gentleman, he open the car door for you. "Thank you." You mouthed and he smiled like a proud kid. He went to his seat and starts the engine before driving. You were suddenly reminded of what you're dressed up for, today will be the day that you'll meet Shownu's parents. Your parents knew Shownu since the first day you guys dated but it's your first time meeting his. You couldn't lie, you were so nervous. Shownu noticed you tapping your fingers against your knees and he couldn't help but to let out a soft chuckle before taking your hand, another one on the steering wheel. 

"Nervous, angel?" He asked and you nodded lightly. "It'll be fine, I'm sure they're gonna love you. Just like I do." He tries to soothe you. You smiled at him before taking a deep breath. "We're here." He stopped in front of a white mansion. You knew Shownu was a son of a rich man, just like you being the daughter of a rich man as well. He got out of the car and again, opened the door for you. You reach for his hand, holding them a little too tight. "Someone's way too nervous here." He coos in your ear. "I'm sorry. My insides felt like bursting." You said, clearly looking at him. Being the man he is, he just smiled at you making you smile as well. You really don't know how this man makes you feel so at ease at times.

Both of you went in and were greeted by three dashing men. You were in awe as they all looked so handsome, not as handsome as your boyfriend but totally beyond average. "Hey, bro." One of them shook hand with Shownu followed by the other two. "Before meeting his parents, you'll have to meet us first beautiful." A tall dark haired boy said to you before flashing a gummy smile which made you chuckle a little. "I'm Adeline." You introduced yourself. "I'm Woo--" He was spreading his arms, ready to engulf you in his large arms before being pulled by a masculine, tan boy. A tad shorter than the dark haired boy. "He's Wooseok. He loves skinships so you'll have to be careful around him." You saw wooseok smiling sheepishly. Shownu has his arms around you, his eyes almost piercing Wooseok's. "Sorry." Wooseok says, almost sounding like a whisper. "I'm Yan An and this is Yuto." He introduced himself along with the japanese looking boy beside him. "We're Shownu's cousins. I'm Japanese if you're wondering and Yan An is Chinese. Wooseok's Korean obviously." Yuto says. You look at them before nodding. If there's one thing similar about them, it's their height for sure. They're very baby looking giants. Just like Shownu.

"Come, let's get you meeting your boyfriend's parents. They're pretty nice so you'll be fine around them. Literally the best uncle and aunt ever." Wooseok says. That somehow made you felt a little calm. "They're like my quadruplets. Even if they're younger than me." Shownu whispered softly in your ear. All of you made your way to the dining room and you saw a woman's back, dressed in a maroon gown. Shownu made his way to back hug the lady. "Mum!" He cooed. The lady turned around and gave Shownu a very tight hug. "Aww, I missed my son." She said before diverting her gaze at you. You managed to smile at her. "So, this is the girl that's been making my son all happy and cheerful lately." You heard a deep voice. You turned your head to meet a man that resembles Shownu. You bowed at him and he immediately holds your shoulder gently. "There's no need sweetheart. You're such a wonderful girl, as what our son told us." He said and you smiled. Shownu's mum made her way towards you and hugged you before pecking your forehead. Yan An, Yuto and Wooseok were just watching from the side. 

"Come. Let us all have dinner with our future in laws." You were quite confused at what Shownu's dad said and that's when you see your parents at the entrance making their way towards you and Shownu. "Sorry honey, we didn't let you know because we don't wanna ruin the surprise." You were so in awe at the fact that your parents knew Shownu's parents. You were speechless and decided to just go with the flow. You were all done with dinner. While your parents were having a chat with Shownu's. The three baby giants were playing games and trying their best to not make any sound. Shownu said he needed to go to he washroom and he hasn't come back for like 30 minutes. You were a little worried but it's his house so you thought it'd be weird to worry. Maybe he had stomachache. You ended playing the game with the three baby giants. 

Shownu came back and all attention were on him. He took a deep breath and the whole room was pin drop silent. "First of all, I wanna thank everyone for being here today. Some of my aunt and uncle can't make it but I'm sure the news goes to them in less than 30 minutes. Adeline, you're such a wonderful girl. I've said the numerous times but I'd say it again and again for you. I love you. Everything about you. From the way you smile to when your asleep." You felt your face burning up a little when the boys cheered. "You made me realize that I can do anything and everything I want with you by my side. I'd never want you to be far from me even for a second and that is when I thought that I should make you mine forever. I want you to carry my last name." Wooseok said in a whisper. 'and my baby." Enough for you to hear which made you scoff a little. "So Adeline Taylor, would you marry me?" 


YAY! GUESS WHO'S BACK? I'M SO THANKFUL TO YOU GUYS FOR READING DESPITE ME NOT UPDATING REGULARLY LIKE I SHOULD. I'M SORRY! I hope you guys love the Shownu updated. Well I had to include pentagon because I'm literally in love with them. Let me know what you guys think every time after reading. Your comments motivate me to write. Like, really. No jokes. The more comment, the more chapters. HAHAH! KIDDING! But still, i love reading your comments. Especially the funny ones. Do vote if you like it, a tap won't hurt. Pft. Ah, fangirl in the comments section too! That's it and till the next chapter. xoxo.


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