~The Note~

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The day went on as normal, you had science class then English, lunch right after. But you couldn't stop thinking about the dream. Who was that guy.. You think confused as a shudder passed through you. The memory of the disfigured people that were at that carnival still stuck in your head. "Hey Y/n you zoned out again. 1st/f said to you as you were staring at the sloppy joe sitting in front of you. "Huh, oh ya sorry." You said quickly turning your gaze back towards him/her. He/She looked at you with doubt but shrugged and continued eating. You moved your plate a little to the left and picked up the delicious burger. But you stopped when you could hear a giggle from behind you. It was the same giggle from your dream! Whirling around as fast as you could, you were met with nothing. You sat there frozen as fear pounded through your veins. That was the same laugh from your 'dream'.... But... what if it was not a dream at all? What if all of that really happened! Your palms grew sweaty and you paled. "U-Uh guys I think I need to go see the nurse." You lie. You wanted to run, run to the safety of your home where nothing could get you. "Uh... ok I guess, see ya later maybe.." He/She said and went back to eating.

You grab your bag quickly and sprint out of the doors. At least this way they will think I just went home cause im sick. You think carefully. Your e/c gaze was constantly looking around the bright colored grass of the lawns and the neatly trimmed shrubs that lined some of the yards. With a sigh you pulled out the strange candy.
Its black and white striped wrapper unusual as you had never seen anything quite like it, and not to mention on how it ended up in your pocket. Slowly opening the wrapper you find your fav/f candy sitting in the tiny piece of plastic. Your eye's widened in surprise as you picked the small sweet up. It had swirls of fav/f with your Sec/Fav/f mixed in. It was hand mad as it did not have any of those machine marks left behind on other candies. The smell was so intoxicating that you couldn't help but try it. It was amazing! The two flavours exploded when they hit your tongue. You look back at the wrapper, in which had nothing on it ago, had something scribbled on it in some kind of red ink? You read what it ways on the little wrapper.

Dear Y/n

I hope you are enjoying the present I left you.

For I can promise you that we will be meeting again soon.

Your old friend~

You looked the note over and over again to make sure you were not just imagining it. He... This person knew your name. You stood on the sidewalk silently and with a jolt ran the rest of the way home, not wanting to come across with your 'old friend'. You raced through the door and shut it, locking it. You breathed as you tried to regain your breath, lungs aching. You looked around at your empty apartment house. You lived here only with your mother as your Father had cheated on her years ago and was kicked out of the house.

Dropping your book bag on the couch you flopped down on the couch, exhausted from your sudden sprint. You did live around 8-9 blocks away from the school! Looking around for the remote you get up to go and turn on the t.v only to see another black and white candy sitting by the power button. You jumped back only to hit something hard, yet soft at the same time.

"Hehehehe Hello my sweet Y/n, missed me?"

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