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Eyes widened slighty as both the boy in the orange hoodie and the guy as you now know as Jeff, ran right at you. "Come on!" You yell out frustrated at the turn of events and hop onto Cheshire without another thought as he threw his head knocking back the boy with the white hoodie, claws batting at the air before jumping forward through the tent flaps and out to the maze like carnival.

"Get after her!" Jeff yelled, bust a black blur showed at the edge of your vision.

"What the?" You gaze trailed the tent before turning and ducking under a blade that had been heading towards your head. The sharp blade's metallic silver shining in the dull dusk light that shadows the entire area.

"Hurry! Faster Cheshire!" Your voice commanded as the undead lion's rough bones scrapped into the earth. Slowly gaining speed.

"LJ!" You call out in hopes of the black and white monochrome clown hearing you. Sure you could take out a few jerks but not these freaks!

Something collided with your chest causing the wind out of your lungs and to lose balance while riding. Ultimately causing you to fall to the ground with a thud. Cheshire running ahead of you only to come to a screeching stop.

Shadows cast darkness over as the male in the white hoodie stood in front of you with the guy in the yellow jacket right behind you.

A pipe and a knife in there hands.

Silence coating the dark path, your eyes flickering to the two killers who stood at the ready.

Lunging forward you grappled onto Jeff who in turn ducked from your attack, never losing his balance while you were forced to reposition yourself and take in the miss.

Loud crashing was heard along with several hisses of pain from your mouth.

A sharp yell and the metallic tang of blood drifted through the air to you. Pushing off the wood and the booth fabric roofing and running out to see what had happened.

Cheshire had his mane ripped off in a few places as he fought the new guy in a orange hoodie. A large bloody gash on his arm from what looked to have been a bite.

Jumping back from the flashing of metal you were met with the lidless eyes of Jeff, his smile looking to have been cut wider then what it originally was. His tongue coming out and licking the cuts clean of blood with a dark chuckle. "I wonder what you taste like.." Jeff pondered as your eyes narrowed. Anger coursing through you. "Shut up you asshole!" Screeching you grabbed a board of wood and smashed it across his side. Crack! Crack!

Two cracks were heard from him as blood seeped out from the side of his white hoodie. "Your gonna fucking pay for that!" He cursed and lunged, seeming to ignore the pain. His knife cutting your arm, blood seeping out, this causing you to drop the large plank of wood in pain, the red substance leaking down and onto the brown ground. The indents of shoe marks stamped all across the ground.


Dust flew everywhere as the streak of black and white knocked Jeff away from you in anger.

Laughing Jack.

The Cheshire smile killer flew across before hitting into a run down ride. His growling loud as his snarling lip matched the anger filled gaze that was filled in his silver eyes. The scapulas black now for some reason you could not understand.

" Get in a game stall. NOW!" He growled at you before being shoved into the many gory types of game stalls that were stationed there.

Now it was going to get serious.

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